Chapter Two

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12 months later...

Flicking through her old journal Sakura frowned, "What an idiot I was. Some of the things I wrote are ridiculous." It's all about Sasuke...My plans to get his attention and how he was treating me day by day...It should've been labelled the Sasuke journal...

Exhaling heavily she pressed her eyes shut. Sasuke's personality hasn't really changed so much since then. But now he doesn't even try to be nice, at least he had his moments back then. Now the thought of him frightens me; she thought silently as she absent-mindedly clasped at her night gown. In the end we are dissimilar. The best thing I ever did was stop loving for him all those months ago. But I still miss him as a comrade...

Re-opening her eyes she shifted uncomfortably on her bed, it was cold, much colder than any winter she could ever remember. Even if he did return to the Konoha he would be charged and they would... "Execute him" she whispered as she took a sharp breath; it's not fair, the elders of Konoha and Danzo were involved in causing his psychological trauma that led to him following this path in the first place death is way too harsh.

Brushing her hand nostalgically over her framed photo of Team 7 sitting beside her bed she smiled sadly. It was a past now so distant that it could be mistaken as a myth or a dream though it was not as pleasant a memory as she wished it could've been. However it still brought her happiness knowing he was there, knowing that he was close. Unlike now. She smiled as abandoned hope swelled inside her chest, looking down at her hands she clenched them, I feel so liberated now that I have unchained my heart from him, of course I still care but now I feel sane at least.

A soft knock sounded from the front of her apartment startling her. Her eyes darted to the door down the hallway, No voice?

Slowly rising from her bed she picked up her kunai that was resting on her dressing table, slowly edging closer to the door as another soft knock sounded towards her. Reaching for the handle she took a deep breath as she raised her weapon and opened the door, revealing a familiar pair of bright cerulean eyes.

"Hey Sakura, I know it's late and please don't hit me for waking you but I have important information I was told to relay to you from the old hag," Naruto blurted out as he pressed his hands together firmly and clenched his teeth in terror.

Relaxing immediately Sakura sighed; It's just Naruto...Why was I so worried? Shaking her head she forced a smile. "Come in it's cold and no I'm not mad," she replied partly mockingly.

"Really?" He exclaimed as his eyes glimmered as his smile grew, "Thanks so much Sakura-chan!" Quickly flicking back his snow covered yellow hooded jacket he bounced into her apartment eagerly.

Walking into the lounge area Sakura took a seat close to the heater as she untied her scarf. "What was this important message Naruto?" she enquired.

Naruto sat cross-legged on the floor shaking a pig statue, "How does it work I thought money always comes out of the hard ones....Maybe if I do this..." He mumbled as he smacked it against the floor roughly causing it to shatter.

Sakura glared at him, "That was Tsunade's."

Choaking on the air he was breathing he quickly scrapped all the shards towards his body into a pile. "It was the wind?" he suggested hoping that Sakura would cover for him.

"The important information Naruto, stick to the topic!" Sakura snarled crankily, Looks like I'll be taking the blame for that tonton statue's demise.

"Oh yeah!" he replied slowly with an awkward laugh. "Well apparently Sasuke's been spotted in nearby areas."

Sakura's heart skipped a beat as she sat backwards into her chair in shock. "Where do they believe he is heading?"

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