Chapter Six

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Why does my face feel stiff, and why is my back throbbing? Sakura wondered as she felt a hot surge of pain trace up her spine. Slowly opening her eyes, her frost covered lashes sparkled in the morning sunlight, her pupils dilating as she adjusted. That's right, she notes silently, her gaze resting across at the forest beneath her; He wanted me to leave so I did. I probably should've chosen a safer place to rest other than this on second thought, but I was exhausted.

Slowly rubbing the frost from her facial features, she sighed; I'm very lucky I didn't get frostbite...Someone must be looking out for me up there. Looking up at the sky she smiled sadly, raising her right hand to shield her eyes from the glaring light of the sun directly before her. That would have to be the first time though, she notes as she bitterly. A soft yawn slips from betwixt her lips as the kunoichi sat upwards, stretching her arms outwards as she tried to warm her muscles up a little.

I revealed my feelings far too soon and I didn't even see his expression or response. I should know better than that by now. Casting her eyes down, Sakura dropped her arms into her lap; I can guarantee he knew how I felt. The fact he knew was clear from the beginning, emerald orbs slowly narrowed as she glared down at her lap. It was difficult to admit the truth, but if she had learnt anything over the last few years it was that admitting things to yourself was half the battle. "No matter how strong I really am, I feel as if I revert to being that young girl that he found annoying and weak when I'm by his side," she whispers, her voice trailing off as she spoke the words she had been thinking since they had been reunited.

The truth as she saw it hurt, but at the end of the day it was but one view of an overly complex situation; and although Sasuke was a man whose views were relatively easy to predict, there was a chance, that he would dare to disagree with the truth she was struggling to accept. A stray snowflake drifted through the chilly air, flickering past her face and melting before her eyes as she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her left ear. He is my weakness.

Yawning she rose to her feet, staring out at the glorious sunrise before her, "I can't go back yet, forgive me." Jumping out of the tree she disappeared into the thick foliage below.


Staring at the entrance to the cave, Sasuke sat in silence a knowing expression masking his face, If she was returning then I would be able to sense her presence by now. Does she honestly think she can change this situation? Why do you have to be so annoying...

"We're moving. Pack up everything, we move out in two minutes," he ordered just loud enough for his subordinates to hear; it was clear where she was heading and he was not about to let that happen. Sighing heavily, he picked up his backpack and turned to face the entrance of the cave; We have to beat her there or it will ruin everything. I shouldn't have allowed her to return on her own, I was too trusting of her feelings towards me. I won't make that same mistake twice.

Sensing the urgency in Sasuke's voice Karin rushed the remaining two around, Something's happened. But what?

"If you don't want to be left behind I suggest all three of you hurry. I'll be going with or without you..." the Uchiha growls, his boots grinding impatiently into the earth beneath his feet, his dark orbs flicking to a nearby tree. It looks like we have more company, today keeps getting better and better...

The shrill of birds filled the air as Zetsu smirked, watching in the distance as Sasuke emerged from the cave. "I've finally found you, Sasuke-sama. Now what are you hiding from us," he whispers softly, "We don't like secrets."


Racing through the trees Sakura's hair flowed serenely behind her, How do I even speak of what Sasuke told me when I don't want to face the fact that it is the truth? How on earth did he become an Akatsuki member let alone leader? Her lips quivered as she came to an abrupt stop. How do I even explain my absence? I didn't think this through properly... I need to speak to Naruto before I decide what to do next. Taking a deep breath, the cold but aromatic air stung her nostrils as realisation set in; It needs to be said.

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