Chapter Nine

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The damp air stung Sakura's nostrils as she entered the dimly lit jail; her gaze drifting into the cells of the prisoners lined up on either side of the walkway. Surprisingly enough, a number of young faces stared back at her as she passed by, all baring a look of curiosity that rivalled her own. All in all they looked innocent enough on the outside, that's until you take note of the heavy iron chains linked around their red raw necks and ankles, a mere precaution that was most definitely supported by various binding jutsu in each cell. Twisting her lips, the medic tore her gaze away, instead opting to stare down at her feet; I bet half of the shinobi in here would jump at the chance to reoffend, I shouldn't give them an ounce of my sympathy, they've done something to deserve this.

The jail cells in the centre of Konoha were very rarely graced with the presence of a new inmate, a majority of the 'sentencing' was handled in combat; in addition to this, all who committed treason were sent to solitary confinement located north of the township. All of this made for an overly eventful few days for team Taka, the newest cell mates to be introduced to their prison population.

Rolling her eyes, Sakura silently noted a four ANBU squad standing in front of a cell she was approaching; it wasn't even necessary to ask who they might be monitoring, there was only one answer given their excessive presence. If they know what's good for them they will step aside, hopefully it's a group I know.

Naruto's eyes narrow as he gazes further down the tunnel over Sakura's shoulder; I wonder if Sasuke mentioned what happened when he visited me, then again, she would've pummelled me by now if she knew. Either way, this ought to be interesting.

Sakura strode up to the cell the ANBU were guarding, her slender fingers wrapping around the ice-cold iron bars; the muscular back of Sasuke immediately meeting her gaze. His iconic raven hair slicked back in a messy fashion, shoulders relaxed at his sides and gaze clearly fixated on the brick wall before him, despite noting her presence.

"When did he last eat?" Sakura demanded, her eyes snapping in the direction of the nearest ANBU operative, but only silence followed; "You do realise that sustenance is essential to survival don't you? How ridiculous!" Gritting her teeth the medic turned back to face to the cell she pointed to the lock before her; "Release him, Lady Tsunade has placed him under my care until further notice."

"We're going to need proof of that claim in order to release him into your care," one of the ANBU replied, his pale canine mask facing her as he crossed his arms across his chest, clearly unimpressed. "Did she give you a letter? I can't simply believe the words of a potentially compromised shinobi at a time like this..."

Naruto growled lightly, his teeth exposed as he tried to stay out of the conversation, They would've trusted her if it was any other person in this cell. Where is all this doubt suddenly coming from? If she wasn't trustworthy we would've known by now.

"She doesn't need to give me a letter, she is the Hokage and I am her student," Sakura fires back, her eyes narrowing as she tried her best to keep her temper under control for fear of worsening Sasuke's situation. Twisting her lips, she reached up to the ANBU's face to remove his mask, as his hand instinctively wrapping around her slender wrist. "I want to know who I'm speaking with since you seem to have an issue with me. I regularly work with the ANBU force as a field medic, so surely it won't be an issue," the pinkette notes as she innocently gazes up at the expressionless mask; I also want to know who to not heal on the battle field, it's clear they don't trust me let alone like me.

"Honestly what is she going to do anyway? Sakura and Sasuke will probably be followed on the old woman's orders the entire time anyway," Naruto snapped, smashing his clenched fist against the iron bars; tiny fragments of debris cascading from the ceiling. "Honestly, why are you acting like she has committed a crime when she has done nothing of the sort?"

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