18. Kiss

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7:30 A.M

You rubbed your eyes, fatigue overpowered your body along with the chilling sensations from the atmosphere, causing goosebumps to form on your body.

You tried your best to relish in the remaining tastes of hot coffee you had prior to the very moment of you running across the school's hallways.

Sparing mere glances and waves at your friends as they walked past you, you smiled in nervousness and immediately headed inside the classroom, looking for someone in particular.

"Yeji?" you searched the entire room but to your dismay, only her bag was present.

Just as you were about to head out of the room, she walked in at the same time with a sandwich in her hand. She looked at you in surprise, but eventually she ran to you and embraced your body, "Morninggggggggggg!"

"Good morning- where's my textbook?" you chuckled and patted her back, "I need to study a few things that I didn't have in my notebook real quick before the exam."

"Oh- right! Thanks so much for letting me use it at the last minute. Nobody would have ever done that for me."

The girl walked over to her bag and instantly took the textbook, handing you it soon after. You opened it and smiled inevitably, noticing the little scribbles she had done while studying.

You also examined the little notes she stuck in the most important chapters- they contained the main points that were covered in detail.

Additionally, there were supporting and encouraging messages in between that warmed your heart- she was as pure as the dew formed at dawn.

You wrapped your arms around her neck with repose, and pressed your lips against her cheek in a cherry manner.

You felt indifferent towards the powder she had on her face; the repetitive motions of yours caused her to rupture into a fit of giggles and verbal expressions of accepting your gratitude.

In the midst of your little session with yeji, the door of the classroom opened, revealing a familiar person standing with facial expressions of shock and astonishment.

He gasped and pouted soon after, walking up with adrenaline overflowing him.

You opened your eyes and halted your actions seeing your boyfriend's eyes pierce into your soul.

His hands were folded against his chest and his lips were moist at the amount of times he licked them, indicating his stress at the lack of attention.

"Oh? Good morning my love-" pulling away from yeji, you were about to hug Jungkook until he stepped back, the look on his face imparted a strong sense of offense.

"How can you kiss someone other than me...? he mumbled.

"Oh please-" you rolled your eyes.

"AWWWWW" yeji squealed and pushed you towards him slightly, "Come on, although he's holding back, he really wants a hug."

He nodded slightly in agreement with her, "......and a KISS. How dare you kiss her??"

"Girls DO THAT."

A playful tone slipped out of the groan you uttered, while pulling him into an embrace.

His body hovered over yours and his arms clinged onto your waist, as if one had lost a precious gem that was of great rarity.

Jungkook leaned his left cheek closer to his lips and cleared his throat out of hopeful expectancy of a positive outcome.

You sighed and pressed your lips against his skin; he chuckled at your slight annoyance as he found it amusing.

Pulling you closer, he tilted his face and made contact with your lips once more, but with his as well and grinned lightly. There was a feeling of a ball of serenity in his stomach.

Yeji shook her head and spoke up, "I'm leaving! Good luck in studying for the exam....which is like in 30 minutes Y/nieeee-"

She patted your back and walked to her desk to communicate with another classmate.

"THE EXAM-" you pushed Jungkook away and grabbed the textbook. He scoffed and followed you to your seat.

"You didn't study?" He sat on the seat in front of your desk and turned to face you.

"Yeji had my book for some time to write out notes. She skipped a few days because of her illness, remember?" You dared not break any eye contact with the words on the pages.

"But then you could have asked me for some help."

"Ididn't want to bother you." you looked at him shortly with a soft smile before focusing on the work once more.

They began to flood your memory, removing the audible voice that belonged to Jungkook. However, you were temporarily brought back into reality as his hand embraced your own.

The nervousness you perceived slowly vanished with the emotional and physical warmth increasing, "Let me help you. Don't cram everything, I'll help with the main points. Did you forgot that you have a smart boyfriend?"

"Ah yes I totally forgot since he caused a small scene earlier just because I kissed my girl friend a usual." you smiled and pinched his nose, "Fine, help me then, we don't have much time Koo."

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