16. Needy

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"Oh hello, Mrs. Traynor." you greeted your personal nutritionist over the phone call that evening.

Your voice was soft and low to match her soothing tone and she responded with a small 'hello' before starting with the usual talk and news.

While you were talking to your nutritionist, your boyfriend came around the corner and into your line of sight.

Jungkook was looking effortlessly good today, with his hair styled messily. He was dressed casually in a pair of slacks and a plain turtleneck sweater.

You smiled at him as he entered the kitchen, saying, "Hey baby, how's work?" he kissed your cheek before leaning against the kitchen counter, while you continued to listen on the call.

A few seconds passed before you mouthed. "Just give me a few more minutes."

Jungkook grinned and nodded as though he understood, so you turned around, chatting with Mrs. Traynor while not noticing Jungkook's desireful gaze as his eyes travelled over you.

Heat begin to form a knot in his stomach as he watched the way you moved with each word your nutritionist said, how your shoulders sagged when Mrs. Traynor talked about something boring and mundane like eating healthy snacks and what to eat if you had an allergy or if you wanted to start a diet.

But even then you looked so alluring and beautiful that Jungkook had to stop himself from kissing you senseless.

His hands clenched into fists by his sides as he imagined his fingers interwining themselves through your hair and sliding down your neck while he kissed every single inch of you.

If only it didn't take you this long to finish up your conversations with the nutritionist.

Several minutes passed but your conversation wasn't ending and Jungkook was growing impatient by every passing second.

Unable to control himself, he inched towards you, caging you between himself and the counter. The way his arms trapped you while you leaned back against the kitchen counter made your heart race and your breathing quicken, causing your cheeks to flush and the blood rushing to your lower body as your eyes flickered to his mouth.

It took everything within Jungkook not to close the distance between his lips and yours and kiss you senseless as he watched the blush deepen on your face and your breaths turn shallow.

While your nutritionist continued talking about a new article she had read, Jungkook leaned in, pressing a deep kiss on your neck.

When he pulled away, your eyes widened in surprise, staring at his face for several moments as he stared back at you. His expression was un readable, but there was a glint in his eyes which caused your body temperature to spike.

Jungkook continued to torture you with slow, lazy kisses that he planted on your throat, your neck an your collarbone, leaving goose bumps in his wake.

"O-oh, that's good, nice." you stuttered, trying to speak properly while jungkook continued his assault on you.

The sound of your breathless voice had Jungkook's groin stiffening with lust.

"Um, well..." you trailed off unable to continue, as Jungkook's lips finally found their way to yours, stealing your words and making your mind fuzzy.

He deepened the kiss, deepening it further and further until you thought you would die from pure bliss.

You couldn't even think straight as you threw the phone on the counter, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and pulling him closer to you.

"Couldn't give me a few minutes to talk, could you?" you asked after separating slightly, panting and smiling happily.

Jungkook grinned back at you before bending down to plant another kiss on your lips. "I don't care. I need you. Right now."

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