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A heavy and annoyed sigh left the man's mouth who sat in front of you. He eyes you and then the person next to you, trying so hard to find a solution for this.

"Okay, let me get this straight. So, you slapped her because she insulted you and then she slapped you back. And it all started because she bumped into you, Y/N?" He sighed and massaged his temples.

"Yes! She bumped into me so I told her to apologize but she didn't, so I called her an asshole and then she slapped me, ofcourse I punched back, what was I supposed to do?" You felt your anger boiling as the scene from five minutes ago replayed in your head.

"Do you deny your actions, Yvonne?" He raised a brow, the annoyance was clearly written over his face caused by the interruption of his perper work with such a childish behavior of two students at his school.

"Alright." He clapping his hands together, a solution filled his mind. "Detention for both of you." He exclaimed and stood up.

You rolled your eyes as you sunk into your chair, pouting, while the girl's next to you grew wide. The school's nice girl got her first detention while the school's baddie got her tenth in two months.

Annoyed and furiously, she stood up and walked out of the principal's office. A smirk crept on your face as the door was slammed close. Jungkook, the principal turned his body around, facing you.

"I'm gonna throw you out of the school one day." He sighed as he sat back down to the chair. You giggled. "Yeah, I love you too." You said and stood up, walking over to him. He moved back a bit with his chair leaving space between him and the table so you could sit on his lap. "How's work babe?" You pecked his cheek as your eyes scanned all those papers on the table.

"Exhausting. I don't know how my dad endured this..hell hole." He sighed. Jungkook was your age, the only difference was, he wasn't a student of your school, he was the principal. His dad was the one who built this school and became the first principal of it. After he had gotten quite old, he wanted jungkook to be the next principal, causing him to skip a few classes and have his exams way earlier than you. As he finally finished school, he became the new principal.

Jungkook and you have been dating way before his job. For three and a half years, you two have been inseparable. He was the one to confess to you and you gladly accepted as you'd felt for him like this way longer.

"Wanna go on a date today? Its friday." He offered as he gave you his bunny smile, making your insides doa flip. "I'd love to." You smiled at him before leaning in for a kiss. As his lips met yours, he didn't hesitate to move them smoothly.

You responded in a second, letting him lead the kiss intobwhereever he wanted but you didn't how far it would go.

As his actions turned rougher, you positioned your legs on each side of his waist which was between your legs then. His hands traveled under your shirt, massaging your clothed breasted, making you moan at tha back of your throat while air left your nose.

Your hands traveled down to his pants, finding the zipper which you pulled down. You felt the bulge in his pants, kaing you smirk as you realized what effect you had on him.

"Fuck, the things you do to me, jeon y/n." He moaned as you massaged his bulge. "Jeon?" You raised a brow and smiled as he moaned your name with his surname. "Someday, you'll be called that anyway, so why not now?" He smirked before kissing you deeply.

With his help, you pulled his boxers and jeans down to his knees, his erection hitting your clothed clit. You were wearing a skirt, kaing it easy for jungkook to rub your clit permanently, you were growing sensitive by his touch.

You felt excitement in your stomach as jungkook pushed your panties aside, too lazy to make you remove them. He inserted one finger, observing your expressions concentrated.

You threw your head back as another finger joined inside you without moving them. "P-please move them, jeon." You moaned, way too important to wait for the pleasure he wanted to give you.

"As you wish, princess." He whisper in your ear as he pumped them in and out of you, wet sounds of his fingers covered with your pree-cum filled the office.

You moaned quite loud, forcing him to shut you up with a kiss which you gladly responded to. You started bouncing on his fingers, making him smirk. "Look at you. All needily fucking yourself on my fingers." He scoffed.

"Such a slut, hmm?" He started sucking on your skin, his lips leaving wet spots on every inch of your neck and collarbones while you were getting closer to your high every second, every bounce.

"J-jungkook, I-" you were so close to cumming and let him know by clenching your walls. And just at the right moment, he pulled them out.

"No!!" You whined. "Yes baby, dont you wanna cum on my dick instead of my fingers?" He asked you as he liked his two fingers, suncking every pre cum off them. You smirked at him before you shifted forward and lifted your hips up.

Slowly, you sank onto him, making him groan while your mouth hang open, soundless. You started moving your hips forward and backwards, your neediness growing every move.

"God, baby, you're doing amazing, keep going-" he moaned and threw his head back giving you the perfect view of his throat, his Adam's apple going up and down a she gulped. You leaned forward and lowered your head, sucking on his neck, down to his collarbone.

While fulfilling your actions, your hand moved down to his balls, before you gripped them slightly, massaging them. He let out a loud moan as he was pleased on three sports  his sweet spot on his neck, his balls and his member on which you had started bouncing earlier, making the pleasure more intense.

"God, yeah just like that." Overwhelmed with the pleasure, his hand gripped onto your thighs, his nails digging into your skin as you moved harder on him, his tip brushing against your g-spot every time you sank down on him.

You moaned against his skin, your hot breath sent shivers down his spine. Your moans joined his soft a d painful whimpers and the sound of you bouncing on his wet member echoed through the room as well.

"Baby, faster! I am close!" He moaned loudly and you felt him twitching a few times inside you as you moved your hips up and down with a smirk of his helpless and  begging state.

Your walls around him clenched, causing the pleasure to grow more intense as he finally reached his high. A loud moan left both of you as he shot his cum inside you while yours dripped down.

The bell rang on time of your release, allowing you to scream as you came. Jungkook caressed your tighhs as he panted heavily while you rode your high out on him.

You moved up and pulled him out of you as you shifted backwards, now normally sitting on his lap. "Now I can cross that from my to do list." He chuckled dryly with closed eyes.

"Cross what?" You frowned as you hot off him, your legs feeling all wobbly and shaky as you stood on your own. "Having sex with you in my office." He winked while a smirk planted on his sweaty face.

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