15. Shower

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"Y/N, sweetheart!" your boyfriend's voice rang out through the house as he walked towards the bedroom after a tiring workout.

He looked a mess but you couldn't deny how hot he looked with his sweat pants and hair sticking to his forehead in all directions.

"Oh there you are, mia farfalla (my butterfly)." his deep and smooth voice reverberated off the walls of your room and made you smile as if he were holding some sort of magic spell over you.

The door shut behind him as he approached you while you did your eye liner up and applied some lip gloss.

You smiled at him as he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder while you leaned into his chest.

"I missed you even though it was only two hours." he nuzzled your neck playfully before planting soft kisses there. You let out an involuntary groan when he left another small mark on your neck by nibbling lightly at it.

A low moan escaped your lips as the feeling of pleasure washed over you like a warm ocean wave. It was as if you were being doused in heavy and a strong perfume.

"The things I would do to have your pretty legs wrapped around my waist right now..." he trailed off seductively while trailing feathery light kisses across your collarbone and neck.

"But I'm drenched in sweat and you don't want to have a sweaty sexy time, do you?" you could almost see his eyes glint mischievously in the dim light of your room.

You shook your head vigorously, causing a loose strand of hair fall out of it's ponytail onto his face.

He pushed the hair back gently before leaning in for a kiss. His lips molded perfectly against yours and he took you completely by surprise by moving your lips to sync with his own as if he was reading your mind.

You moaned softly into the kiss, which caused him to smirk against your mouth.

You pulled away reluctantly, leaving him pouting slightly with his bottom lip stuck out.

You laughed, trying to mask your embarrassment. "Go shower, you're stinking." 

Jungkook raised an eye brow in mock surprise. "Am I now? I can take care of that later."

You blushed slightly when he leaned down to nip at your jaw and then kissed the spot just below your ear. 

"You can join me if you want, sweetheart." he moved away, heading towards the bathroom with a wink. "The door is always open."

"Oh God, just go already!"

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