A really dumb plan

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❗️Important disclaimer❗️This story is based off of the dsmp. It contains an AU tho which has a small arcane crossover. Some parts are also in the arcane style. The story features pictures and illustrations of my own drawings. You can use them but please ask first.

🛑Warning🛑 The story contains many brutal and gore things such as torture, killing, rape, alcohol, abuse, manipulation and more.

Please don't read it if you don't like Dreamity or cannot handle the gore parts.
Talking: ,, "
Thinking: , '

,Is this the end? Am I gonna end just here? Pathetic. Guilty. A fool. A monster. And that's what I am. A monster.,
Quackity raised his axe like it would be the last time.
Dream was scared. He didn't want to accept it but he was scared.
Quackity took a deep breathe when the axe was high enough.
When he suddenly let his axe slip down to the ground. ,,Fuck-" Quackity didn't really looked angry he looked like he lost a game or was upset. Dream looked at him in confusion. Why didn't he kill him? Techno was gone and kind of teleported out of the prison.
,,Fuck you." Quackity said. He turned around and left.

A few hours later Technoblade came to brake Dream out with Ranboo and Phil. Sam killed Ranboo. Dream didn't really care cause he was outside! He was free! He ran away to find his ,,best friend,, Tommy. When he got to the exile island he found him. ,,OH! Tommy! Hello! Welcome home!" Tommy flinched when he saw Dream.
They augured minutes after. And soon Dream started hunting Tommy. Toms ran towards Phils house. And so Dream didn't followed him anymore.
He just kept walking in the woods.

(With Quackity a week later Quackitys POV)
,It's been a week since every prisoner escaped. And there still looking for Dream. I came looking too but we found nothing.' That day Quackity didn't killed or hurt Dream badly was because he had a weird dream. He dreamed about him and Dream being friends. It was weird but since than he couldn't look Dream in the eyes anymore.
Most parts of him wanted Dream dead but there was this thought.
The thought about the dream that they could get to be friends. And that didn't left Quackitys mind.
He sat on his desk rolling his pencil around sleepy. Than an idea rushed through his mind. ,,OH HELL NO-!.... That's the worst idea I ever had why would I do that? Nope-"

The idea that rushed into him was that he could kidnap Dream and than they maybe get to be friends. ,,NO- why would- that is stupid! Get the hell out of my mind!"
Quackity spoke to himself. But his mind was deaf. He had a normal day but the thought didn't left his mind. When it was late at night he wanted to go sleep and still had that damm thought in mind. He tried ignoring it but he quite couldn't, it always came back. After a few days of trying to ignore it he had enough.
He couldn't sleep ,could not think straight or focus.

He got off his bed since he wanted to go sleep first but he couldn't and second he didn't wanted too.
He went to his basement and maked plans that got in his mind on how to catch Dream. Created machines and traps. ,,Shit- ..what the hell are you doing with my brain Dream.."He mumbled to himself. At the morning he found himself sleeping at his desk next to him a coffee. He looked at the plan. ,,That's the worst idea I ever had."

He slowly took his plan and the finished trap ,that was rope like, out of the basement with a few potions. He placed it on his working desk and looked at all the things. He went off to work, to think everything through and if he would really do this.
To be real he regretted it a little that he tortured Dream.

He'd done his paperwork at a casino today. In the afternoon he wanted to go back home. He got out of the casino and jumped in his car. He drove back home still mostly focused on the idea with Dream. ,So if the plan works the whole server probably hates me- especially Sam and Tommy-.. but most people already hate me so not much difference they only hate me more.... If my plan doesn't work than I just say I found him and wanted to get him in prison....let's just hope it works... I'm curious and I know 99% of my body doesn't want to do this cause he is fucking dangerous psychopath but the thought, the idea of having Dream the most feared man as a friend-...tingles my nerves- sounds impossible since I tortured him but the idea.... in the corner of my dark soul doesn't let me go. Im insane if I will really do this-.. worse I would be suicidal!, Quackitys thoughts were struggling to work straight.

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