A burried secret

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He pulled Quackity closer to him hugging him. He was shocked his eyes turning into a deadly radioactive green. He was extremely angry. ,Whoever dared to lay a hand on you. I promise I'm going to make their life hell., His eyes glowed like fire. To Quackity it seemed like he's calm but Dream was in rage.
He felt like he needed to kill. ,That's the first time I promise something to someone and mean it. My dear.. i will make them wish they were never born., Dream screamed inside of his mind. His grip on Q tightened. Quackity could feel Dreams nails digging into his skin. ,,Dream..?" Dream immediately let go. ,,Yes?" Quackity lost a tear. ,,They hurt my wings." Quackity said quietly, mumbling a little. Dreams eyes widened. ,,They..?" Quackity nodded. ,,There-,, Quackity breathed shaky with tears rolling down his cheeks he said:,,They- they were four..,, Dream took him in his arms again. He gave Q a tight hug and let him cry out the pain. ,,Shhh...I'm here....I'm gonna help you.." he picked Quackity up and took him into the bedroom. He lay him down really carefully. He got some healing potions and bandages. ,,I'm going to take off your shirt if that's ok" Dreams voice was calm.

His thoughts weren't.

Quackity nodded and so, Dream carefully took off his already opened and ripped shirt. ,,Ouch-.." Quackity mumbled. Dream sighed and started healing his wings with potions. Quackity cried silently. Dream finished fixing his wing and gave him a hug. Quackity grapped after Dreams back and dug his finger into it. He screamed in pain and the feeling of his only reason to be alive is to get abused. ,,Shhh...everything will be okay.." Dream said hugging Q. After a few hours of calming Quackity down and resting. Dream was awake the whole time. Quackity slept in his arms after Dream healed his body. Dream was in rage. But he didn't want to hurt someone. Yet.

He sighed and tipped on Q's shoulder. Quackity slowly woke up. He had a big headache from crying and sobbing. ,,Morning..." Dream said while resting his head on Q's head. ,,Morning smiles..."  Quackity mumbled. Dream took a deep breathe and looked at the clock. ,19:00? Perfect." Dream looked down at Q. ,,Quackity." The hybrid looked at Dream. ,,Yes?.." Dream sighed. ,,I need you to get the list of people who live in las nevadas and look for the four. When you found them give me pictures, address, and names of them. And I need the axe you took to prison. okay?" Quackity nodded still shocked of what happened last night. ,,I'm going too get the papers than get you the axe?.. but what do you wanna do with the information?" Dream smiled softly and hugged Quackity again. ,,I'm gonna report them to the police." Quackity couldn't smile. ,,Oh...okay thanks..." Dream smiled. ,,No problem."

Quackity tried to stand up. But he struggled to do so. Dream eventually picked him up and carried him to his desk. ,,Thanks.." Q mumbled. He got through a few documents and looked at each picture of a few guys. ,,There." He gave Dream everything needed. ,,Thanks. I think you need a bit of help." He picked Q up again and carried him to the living room to lay him down on the couch. ,,There. I'm gonna bring some snacks and drinks and you should rest.." Quackity nodded. Dream gave him bottles of ice tea and some snacks. ,,I'm going to leave now. I don't know when I will come back. You can watch TV but rest the day. I'm gonna go now." Quackity was confused. ,,Okay but...where are you going?" Dream turned away already so Q only saw his back. Dream put on his mask. ,,I'm going to the police." Quackity nodded and so Dream was gone.
Dream was driving with one of Q's cars towards the first man's house. ,He doesn't have a work. Means the chances of him being home are very low since he has more time to get out. He probably isn't much at home. Means I have to meet him at home to get him alone. If i wanna catch him outside his home he will probably be with others. When I'm there it will probably be 20:00. At that time most cheaper casinos are likely closed. The time yesterday when the incident with Quackity happened was middle of the night.. let's hope that dumbass is stupid aenough to fall for my trap.

Quackity was curious. Dream just left him right after he got raped..not really helpful. He wondered if Dream really went to the police. He watched daily facts while he thought when one fact got him. His eyes widened with tears rolling down his cheek when he read the fact:,, Most partners of a relationship leave the partners or cheat when they got raped. This is because they think that there partner got intimate with another person if wanted or not." Quackity had tears building up. When he got a breakdown. He screamed curses over himself. Over everything. He cried in pain and loss. He clenched his teeth. He closed his eyes and held his hands over his head. He calmed down after a few minutes still crying but he atleast a bit calmer. He didn't watch anything after that, his face emotionless but tears still running down his cheeks.

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