Our great protector, Dream

310 7 3

Sorry this took so long- I will update til chapter 7 in the next days. Hope you have a nice day!

!Warning! (Spoiler-) this chapter includes smut

Songs for this chapter:
Home again - park lane
Playground - Bea Miller
Mirage - OneRebublic, ...

Talking: ,, "
Thinking: , ,

Dream smiled. ,,Welcome to the underground." Quackity was shocked. The elevator got to the end and they got out. ,,This looks so awesome!" Quackity said looking around. ,,It was my home.." Dream mumbled. Quackity raised an eyebrow. ,,Was?"  Dream signed. ,,I weren't here for many years. I was up in the smp." Dream pointed up and chuckled. ,,I missed the underground." He said. ,,But you gonna be fast here and be careful here are many criminals.,, Dream grabbed Quackity by his wrist and ran. ,,WOAH- Chill!"  Quackity laughed than he followed Dream. They climbed down a wall and where on a road. Dream got Q closer to him and pulled his hood over his head. ,,Stay close to me." Dream said looking curios at the trade route. There were many people and hybrids. Dream dragged Quackity to a dark alley. They went through a, for Quackity, seemingly labyrinth. They reached another trade route. Before they got out of the alley Dream looked at Quackity. He suddenly pressed him against the wall behind him. ,,Now. Hear to what i will tell you." Quackity blushed and nodded. ,,You need to cover your wings and get the beanie over your ears. This trading route is not called black market for no reason." He said in a serious deep voice. Quackity took on his jacket covering his wings. ,,I'll be careful..?" Quackity promised.

Dream sighed. ,,If your scared than don't act like you are. Just try and stay cool." Quackity was confused. ,,Okay? I will do that?" They walked towards the crowd of people on the trading route. Quackity now knew what Dream meant with stay close. There were many hybrids and people that had wounds or lost a wing and sold bones or other things. Quackity now definitely was scared. He got closer to Dream who dragged him through the crowd of strangers. Dream had his hood pulled over his head seemingly curios of being seen. Quackity clenched his wings to his back. ,Where the hell Are we?..., Quackity was confused and was already shivering a little. It was cold, loud and full of strange people and hybrids down there. Dream noticed that Quackity was seemingly scared. He took him by his wrist and pulled him closer to him. Quackity shocked at the rough movement. Dream leaned down to Quackitys ear. ,,Listen im going to do something you won't like." Quackity was confused. ,,Ok?" Quackity nodded. Dream grabbed him tight on his wrists and carried him to a human that sold many things.

Quackity made a curious face as Dream took on his mask and covered it with the hood. ,Why does he cover his face so much?-, Quackity thought. ,,Helloooo~ what can I do fo-,, Dream broke up the man when he grabbed Quackity at his hair strongly and pushed him towards the man. ,,Duck hybrid, 21 years old and in a good state." Quackity was shocked and more confused. The man raised his eyebrows. ,,OH MY!! How much do you want for the wings?!,, Dream grinned. Quackity could see it since he didn't covered his mouth with the mask. Quackity had tears in the eyes. ,,W-What?...." Quackitys breathe was shaky. Dream took a deep breathe. ,,Listen. I don't want to sell him. He's mine so fuck off. I only need you're permission so I can go through that stupid door behind you and get to the lost road to get some better offers for him.,, The man was shocked at Dreams dangerous commanding voice. And from all of the people that were shocked, Quackity was number 1 to be so. Quackity had tears building up. ,,Wait- Dre-" Quackity couldn't continue speaking when Dream suddenly covered his mouth with his hand. It only took one death stare from Dream to Quackity and he would stay quite. He was in shock and completely shivering. The man nodded and opened the door behind him. Dream took Quackity inside to the other side of the old door.

Dream quickly took away his hand from Q's wrists as the door closed and backed off a little. Quackity took a few deep breathes before looking at Dream. He had fear in his eyes when he looked at Dreams unreadable mask. Dream took off his mask and quickly took Quackity in his arms. Dream smuggled himself comfortable in the hug. Quackity began to relaxe. ,,Trust me, I'm lying." Quackity hugged him back and relaxed as he sighed. ,,You scared the living shit out of me..." Quackity said in a little mad tone. Dream chuckled. ,,Can't promise you that I won't do it again. But ayy~ you played your role pretty well!~..." Both chuckled. Quackity punched Dreams shoulders a little. ,,Fucking bitch." Quackity mumbled and both giggled.

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