
339 9 15

Talking: ,, "
Thinking: , '

HelOu my little fellas!!! I'm gonna update this book more often sorry it took a bit :,)

Songs for his chapter:
I wanna be yours - arctic monkeys
Where are they now??? -emily jeffri
Living life, in the night - cheriimoya & sierra kidd
Toys le mêmes - Stromae
Dark red - steve lacy

Dream looked at Quackity. ,,I understand.. but you're okay?" Quackity quite shocked. ,Does Dream got more trust in me? That he now asks if I'm okay?, ,,Yeah I'm fine. But you're too right?" Dream looked silently away for a moment. ,,I'm fine...but about my childhood..I don't wanna talk about it." Quackity looked Dream in the eyes. ,,I understand that. You don't have to talk about it." Quackity gave Dream a hoodie he bought. ,,Here, I bought this for ya." Dream looked at it and loved it. ,,Thank you!" It was a green hoodie with black patterns,a big white smile on the front and the name ,,Dream,, on its back written in a toxic green. Dream loved it. ,,I made the design." Quackity mumbled. Dream heard him and smiled at him. ,,Thank you. It's beautiful and it fits me." Both laughed.

They had a good week. They got closer to each other. After two weeks, Quackity one night couldn't sleep well. That's where they're relationship changed.

It was 01:23 in the morning and Quackity had to go to work at 6:00. ,,Oh my god! Why can't I just sleep!?" Quackity stood up. ,Im just gonna get some water and look if Dream is well, He first walked towards Dreams room. He heard nothing so he quietly opened the door. ,,Dream...?" He couldn't see him. ,,Dream?" he asked louder. He looked behind him. Nothing. ,,DREAM!?" He ran through his house. Nothing till he reached the basement door. He sighed and got in. He walked down the stairs. Suddenly the door closed behind him. He shocked and looked behind him. ,,Dream?.."
He shivered. He knows Dream is dangerous and a perfectionist when it comes to hurt someone. He looked around. Nothing. But even if someone was there he couldn't see something. ,,Hello there Quackity." He looked around in panic. ,,Dream please! This isn't funny!" He whined out. It was too dark he couldn't see anything. He got pushed down on his knees. He looked in shock but realised that a light appeared. Dream turned a little lamp on.

,,Dream why are you here-" Dream walked towards Quackity. Quackity panicked and crawled back a little. ,,You trust me a little... Right?" Dream asked. His eyes in a toxic neon green, glowing a little. ,,Yeah....I trust you...a little.." Quackity was confused. Dream chuckled. ,,Amusing.... Come here." Quackity came back to Dream but got pushed right back on his knees. ,,Dream what the hell is this about?" Dream looked at him. ,,Close your eyes." It was hard to do but eventually he closed his eyes. Dream went behind him. Quackity felt something on his face getting tied behind his head. ,,A blindfold?..." Quackity asked. Dream chuckled in a dark way. ,,Lift both your hands up in front of you." Quackity did so. His eyes widened under the blindfold and he kinda panicked. He felt how Dream handcuffed him. ,,Is this some kind of fucked up trust-test?" Quackity asked. ,,You know I can still move my hands." He moved his hands around a little. They were connected by an iron chain. Dream held the chain. He pulled a little on it as a signal for Quackity to stand up. Dream walked with him till he reached a hook on the ceiling. Quackity didn't really have a chance since Dream practically dragged him with him. He took the chain and put it on the hook. ,Where?- Fuck. Im tied on this god damm hook now am I!?, Quackity panicked and Dream only leaned on the wall near him. Quackity was standing on his tip toes he was a short man after all.

Quackity wiggled around but couldn't do anything. Ofcourse he had wings but he didn't used them for more than a year and he was too scared right now. ,I could try jumping... But who am I kidding? I won't get out like this., Dream looked at Quackity in interest. ,,Beautiful. All tied up." Dreams voice sounded dangerous nothing like a friendly guy. Quackity was scared. Dream stood up now and slowly walked closer to Quackity. ,,You know I could just hurt you right now,..right?" Quackity was full of anxiety at this point. ,How was I so stupid!? Ofcourse he hates me! And I tried to be friends after I fucking tortured him! And we'll kidnap him- but HEYYY it's the friendliest way i could greet him here-, Quackity still struggled and tried to get free. But suddenly Dream grabbed his left arm harshly. ,,I could not only hurt you. I could kill you." Quackity shivered. Dream was behind him and rested his head on Quackitys shoulder his hands on Q's chest now. Quackity stood still.
Dream moved his mouth close to Quackitys ear.
,,What's wrong? I can hear your breathing getting so fast." He hummed a quiet laugh. ,,Scared?" 

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