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I've been gone for long. I'm sorry for that, well not really. I've been stuck on the plot of this story for long and I've got some great news! With the next chapter, chapter 8, comes: more pictures in the story, new book cover and I maybe add some animations in the future chapters.

What will also come is that I will re-write / correct all the chapters that are currently in the book. I may also add some pictures to the already existing chapters.

Undercity origin story/ character origin story's: the undercity origin story Wasa quick made up story on how dream got to be the „leader". Tho I thought a lot about it and it's shitty. For that I will correct it so it fits the plot (I have already made up a plot.)
Character origin story's are important for the choices and certain reactions and behaviour a character does or have. For that I will make a chapter explaining some characters past and I will possibly add another book explaining dreams past and Quackity's past. (They didn't grow up in the dsmp but that's all I'll say now :] )

Anyways have a good day! Expect the new chapter next week or possibly this weekend! :))

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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