Dead by daylight

109 3 1

You'll never catch me alive :)
Talking: ,, "
Thinking: , ,

Songs I think would fit-
Runrunrun - Dutch Melrose
Here I come - ANTQUE (for the phonky fellas)
Oxytocin- Billie Eilish
Tag your it - Malenie Martinez
NDA - Billie Eilish

One last kiss


Dream looked in the mirror. ,That's it. I'm going insane. I need to kill him. Why didn't I earlier?! Fuck!, a maniac smile creeped on his face shortly after his mad look. He went through his hair with one hand. He looked at his hand. Everything else blacked out. Just his hands infront of him. His pupils widened as he saw blood slowly appearing on his hands. He looked up and saw Quackity cowering himself in a corner. His wings were missing. Blood dripping down his back and his tears were dropping to the ground. Dream heard his heartbeat and the shaky breathe. Suddenly he saw the mirror again. His hands were clean. ,,Are you okay in there?" It wasn't real. Just another hallucination. Dream nodded even tho the person couldn't see it. ,,Yeah! I just accidentally hurt myself." Dream lied. But that was all he could think about as an excuse. He knew Quackity was on the other side of the door. He felt this tension. Same as in prison. He woke up as he knew Quackity was close to coming in his cell. Even if Quackity still stood infront of the prison or even still was in Las Nevadas on the way to Pandora. He knew it. He didn't knew why tho.

Quackity rolled his eyes. ,,Dream! I told you to be careful with your weapons! No wonder you cut yourself that often. I'm waiting here for you. Tell me when you healed the wound. It's not a deep cut right?" Dream looked to his hands. He didn't knew if it was just a hallucination or something else. But it wasn't real, that's for sure. ,,It's a small cut. I'll be there. Just give me time to get the healing potion on." Quackity nodded. ,,Okay, good. Be careful to get the wound washed." Quackity walked away. Dream didn't cut himself. He needed time to think. His voices started shouting at him. With one look in the mirror they went silent. Most of the voices feared him. He didn't have the kind of voices that told him to kill. Well most of them didn't. They were like screams. Literally. Some just screamed in pain. Shouting and screaming. Begging and pleading to go and hide. Tho Dream didn't listen to those voices. He listened to himself. He told himself these voices were coming to him. Not him to them. He didn't heard them often. Dream looked down to his hands again. He played around with his fingers. He remembered having Tommys blood on his hands. Every blood felt different. He wondered how Quackitys blood felt.

He tried to calm down. He took a deep breathe and remembered the snow. He had some trouble thinking about the snow without blood in it. But eventually he got there. Dream calmed down. The emotionless, mad expression on his face vanishing into a soft smile. He unlocked the door and walked outside. He saw Quackity from behind sitting on the bed, reading a book. Dream walked towards him and layed his hands around Quackitys chest. Quackity blushed slightly and smiled. He put the book aside and closed his eyes as Dream hugged him. Quackity didn't knew that Dream was in complete terror. All his calmness going away as soon as he touched Quackity. And voices shouting to let go off him. To go and hide. To kill him.

Dream smiled as he kissed Quackitys cheek. Quackity rolled his eyes. ,,Oh Common that's all you got?" Quackity turned around and kissed Dream on the lips. Dreams eyes widened a split of a second before closing. ,One last kiss., Dream thought. He bit Quackitys bottom lip softly. Quackity opened his mouth to let Dream slide his tongue in. Dream pulled Quackity close by his tie. Soon they parted their lips. Quackity needed to catch his breathe, so did Dream. Quackity stood up and hugged Dream again. Dream resisted a bit but hugged Quackity back after a few seconds of shock. ,,I have an idea." Dream said as he wandered one hand over Quackitys wing. Quackity looked at Dream. ,,Tell me" Dream held Quackity close by his waist. ,,What do you think about a trip to the place where we had our first kiss?" Quackity leaned closer. ,,Sounds good. When?" Dream looked down to him. ,,How about today?" Quackity raised an eyebrow. „But its already midnight-" Dream kissed Quackitys forehead. ,,Oh please~" Quackity smiled as he shook his head ironically. ,,You know I can't see as good as you in darkness, you owl." Quackity joked. Dream shook his head laughing a bit. „Owl? Excuse me. I'm not a bird" Dream looked at Quackity. „Unlike you.„ Quackity looked away annoyed. „Than your a snake." Dream was confused.

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