A twisted mind

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Sorry y'all needed to wait to fucking long- I made chapter seven! I'm gonna upload them all today! :D
This chapter is really cracky btw chapter 6 & 7 are a LOT better

Revenge is not always sweet
Talking: ,, "
Thinking: , ,

Clouds - NF
At the near end:
Sleepwalker - akiaura, LONOWN & STM

,,Already here?" Dream asked comming closer to Quackity. Quackity already had his suit on. Dream pushed Quackity close by his waist. Quackity looked Dream in the eyes. They kissed for a good minute. Both looked at eachother and smiled dark. ,,This is going to be fucking epic."

Dream gave Quackity a hug. Quackity chuckled. They went down stairs. Sander looked impressed at Quackity and Dream in their suits. ,,My, my! You guys look awesome!" Quackity stroke one hand trough his hair. Vitrix was chilling on the dark couch near the bar waiting for them. She looked to Dream and Quackity. ,,So are we gonna go now or not? Cause here is a hell of bad internet. I cant even chat with Vaole!" The boys chuckled. ,,Yeah we're gonna go. But me and pocker-face here are gonna go to Alexanders first." Dream said looking at Quackity who smiled proudly at the nickname. Sander nodded. ,,Well than! Come here Vi-Vi! We're gonna go to the city middle to help get everything done for the meeting.,, Vitrix followed Sander. Quackity looked at Dream a little confused. ,,Why do you need to go to Alexander's so often?" Dream hugged Quackity a little. ,,Oh come on~ Dont you trust me?~ I only went there to seek something i really want" Dream said chuckling a little next to Quackitys ear who was giggling. ,,Oh shut up-" Quackity said chuckling when he pushed Dream off a him little. Both walked towards the exit.

,,What even do you seek?" Quackity asked curiously. Dream sighed. ,,I look for a book that is very important to me." They walked down the road. Quackity wondered if Dream meant the revival book. ,,Do- do you perhaps mean the revival book?..." He asked. Dream shook his head. ,,Im looking for a very specific book wich is called book of revolution. I need it for .....a project." Quackity was kind of confused but actually he didn't care. He was mostly interested in the ,,project,, Dream had planned. He was curios. ,What if this ,,project,, is dangerous? Nah it probably isn't dangerous at all i mean its Dream so- yeah....fuck its Dream it can only be something fucked up-, his thoughts where broke off as he entered the entrance to Alexander's. It was an oldish store with many random things in it. Apparently he only knew what a few things where. The other things where completely strange to him.

There where many books, metallic things, potions and nearly anything you can think of in the shop. It was more likely in a rustic style. The old dark wood and many candles made a comforting feeling and the flames in the oven made the shop warm. Dream felt like he came home. He took a long breathe and went straight to the human at the cash desk who was repairing a little gold-blue compass. ,,Hey man! How are ya?" The man asked with a smile. Dream looked at him. ,,Im actually really good. But a little hungry- and how are you?" The man lay back in his chair. ,,Im good. I have a snack for you to eat and btw i fixed your compass." Dream smiled. ,,Do you have the book?" Alexander shook his head. ,,I dont.. im sorry i couldn't find it but i looked through all books i had that have informations about the BoR. In one of the books stood something like ,Tree of hope, or something like that." Dream looked away thinking. Alexander looked at im curios. ,,Do you know this kind of tree?" Dream nodded. ,,...I remember when i was a kid my father and i went to this tree ones..." Alexander looked down. ,,Im sorry for what happened to you.." Dream chuckled breathlessly without a sign of humor. ,,Its fine its not your fault..." Quackity wondered what they talked about. ,I wonder what Dreams past was like...he doesnt speak that much of it and seemingly he had problems or something like that with his father...,

He walked closer to Dream and cuddled him from behind. Dream chuckled and turned around to hug Quackity back. ,,Hey Alexander..meet my partner..Quackity" Quackity went forward to greet Alexander who gasped. Dream rolled his eyes and chuckled. ,,O mój Boże, on jest taki piękny!,, Dream laughed. Quackity was confused. ,,Oh yeah sorry- forgot- you look really handsome!" Quackity smiled soft. ,,Thanks!" he said. Quackity walked away to look at other stuff in the shop. Alexander raised an eyebrow and looked to Dream. Dream made a head-movement to show Alexander that he is listening but not looking at him. Instead, he was looking at Quackity in deep interest. ,,I see your imagining something Dreamie~" Alexander said jokingly. ,,..shut up..." Dream said when he checked on Quackitys movements. ,,I ship it." Dream looked at Alexander confused. ,,Huh-?" Alexander rolled with his eyes. ,,Dude- look at you two. You guys are crazy and insane. Villain and fallen-angel. Partners in crime. You guys are perfect together! I ship you two" Dream blushed slightly. ,,Yeah...Maybe we are....partners in crime.." He said as he grinned. Alexander stood up. ,,So! You wanted to get a snack and than you need to go to the city meeting!" Dream nodded. Alexander went to a different room and yelled. ,,Dream!? Is this okay!?" He went back to show Dream some duck-nuggets. Dream nodded hungrily. He took the nuggets and walked towards the exit. Quackity looked him dead in the eyes. Dream walked out first. Quackity after him. Alexander chocked on his drink when he saw Quackitys duck-hybrid wings. ,Fuck- Yep Dream is fucked up now-, And be laughed.

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