Chapter 2

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Damien Pov
I worked on all the papers that involve other packs teaming up with mine. Except one thing i rule all of them why because im the Alpha King. I smirked at my thoughts i looked out my door to see a hot girl walking by she wasn't exactly wearing clothes but whatever she was hot. I headed to the door about to have a chat with her when one of my messengers got in my path. I growled lowly and went to go sit back in my seat.

"Alpha sorry if i was interrupting anything but i have word from warriors 208 and 107" he said while bowing.

"What is it what did they find" i asked while signing more paper work. I watched in confusion as his skin started to pale to the shade of snow.

"Um u-um th-that gr-grou-group was uh de-de-decimated" he finished off super quiet. I slammed my hands on my desk while standing up. I could feel my eyes turn as black as midnight.

"WHAT WHERE ARE THEY RIGHT NOW" i yelled with my rage filled voice. I watched intently as he coward away in fear.

"Th-the-they were ki-kil-killed by th-the whi-white hai-haired witch" he said still trying to cowar away in fear. I slumped back down in my chair. The white haired witch was here now she was the most dangerous known assassin.

"Where are the bodies" i asked while rubbing my head from exhaustion.

"That's the thing alpha one body was found while the other was gone to be more specific cadet 107 was killed and 208 was missing" he said while gaining his courage again.

"Ok tell my father I'll be on a run if he needs me" i said while getting up. I ran outside as fast as i could

I walked behind a tree and started to strip down. I tied all my clothes to my ankle and closed my eyes once i stood back up. I started to feel my bones change place until i was in my full wolf form. My wolf was huge and was darker them midnight itself. I started to run feeling the wind comb my black fur. I kept on running as fast as i coulf i started to run by a cliff. I looked over to my left towards the end of the cliff and saw a girl sitting there. She had on a regular t-shirt that showed off her curves and a pair of black shorts that stopped midway through her thighs.

Soon after staring at her for a while an amazing scent filled my nose. It smelt of vanilla and lilacs. She smelt amazing which could only mean one thing. I have found my mate. I walked behind a tree and shifted back and quickly pulled on a pair of basketball shorts and left my shirt tied around my ankle. I walked out from behind the tree and slowly started walking towards her. I was a few inches from touching her shoulder when she quickly got up and spun around pointing a silver dagger at my chest.

"Wh-what ho-how di-di-did yo-you do that" i stuttered at her. She looked me straight in the eyes. Hers were so blue more blue than any ocean. I looked at her hair white as snow.

"Omg i got so scared i am so sorry" she said while putting down the dagger. I could smell that she was human but at the same time she had power.

"No dont worry about anywho um why do you have a silver knife with you" i asked while clearing my throat. She looked at the dagger once before her bright blue eyes met with my green ones.

She looked at it and smiled " It's a dagger my father gave me before he pa-pass-passed away" she sniffled as a tear slipped out of her eye. I looked at her with sad eyes i wanted to hug her so bad so i did.

I could feel her body fit perfectly with mine. Her body was so warm something none of the sluts could ever give me. She wouldn't hug back and i could sense her confusion. I pulled away and looked her straight in the eyes hers were so god damn beautiful. She pulled away from me i immediately missed her warmth it got so cold when she pulled away. She gave me a small smile that made my wolf howl with happiness.

'Take her now she's ours and ours only no one can have her only we can' my wolf blade growled out with arousal.

'We can't take her now she doesn't know about our kind we could possibly hurt her do you want that' i told him he whimpered knowing that he didn't want to see her get hurt.

'One day we will get her and the day we do i want her to be all mine marked and fully mated and if you wont do it than i will' he growled at me before going to the back of my head.

I finally adverted my gaze to my beautiful mate infront of me. Her eyes were filled with worry. I smiled at her reassuring her senses she smiled back at me. It warmed my insides to see her happy it made her look even more beautiful. I watched as her body seemed to start acting on it's own without any thought. She took her hand and raised it to my hair i kept my eyes locked with her's. She slowly ran her hand through my hair i closed my eyes in pleasure. She kept on doing it for a while until she cupped my cheek i leaned into her warm touch. I groaned at the thought of her warm touch all over my body.

"Thank you for understanding me" she whispered while closing her eyes with joy. I pulled her into a small hug.

"Oh yeah by the way my names Damien" i said. She looked at me and smiled then nodded.

"So whats your name" i asked while rubbing the back of my neck nervously. Her eyes shot up to look at mine she opened her mouth to say something but she quickly shut it.

"Im sorry I have to go i-" she started but i quickly cut her off.

"Please i just want to know your name please" i said while looking at her in the eyes. She looked up at me sadness was in her eyes just as well.

"Im sorry but technically that's classified information" she said i looked at her with sad eyes.

"Please dont leave" i said while reaching for her hand. She quickly pulled it back.

She walked over to me and ran the back of her fingers down my cheek. I went to grab her hand but she pulled away to soon. I reached for her as she walked away but i was to late. I watched as the forest consumed her retreating figure. My mates figure.


Hey guys new chap hope you like. But lets see her when she tries to play hard to get. Oh yeah and what will happen when she finds that he is the new alpha king. Also the person she was sent to kill but at the same time destined to love forever. So much suspense. Not to mention the fact that in the next chapter they'll be going to school.

Btw the picture above is of Damien peace love light.

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