Chapter 11

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Vicious Pov
        I was asleep i could feel it. There was a nice soft bed under me. I could feel someone beside me watching me closely. I could feel the lights of the room were on. I tried to open my eyes but failed miserably.

"Come on vicious wake up" i heard the person beside me say rubbing my eyes with something wet.

I groaned as i opened my eyes. I had a major head ache and my shirt was off leaving me in my sports bra. I rubbed my eyes to try and get the sleepiness away from my system. My throat was incredibly dry which made so i couldn't talk. I pointed to my throat and mason handed me a glass of water. I drank it feeling the cool liquid run down my throat.

"What happened to me my head hurts" i said in a croaky voice.

"You passed out after you slammed into the ground after you almost killed lexi" he said.

He reached out to grab hand. When he touched my nails he jumped back and hissed on pain.  I looked at him in shock and sadness. I reached out to to grab his hand so i can inspect it. When my nails touched his hand  he hissed in pain again.

"By any chance did you turn your hands into silver because remember im a werewolf so" he said while griplinh his hand tightly.

"No but when i passed out......." i trailed off as the dream replayed in my head.

'Dont tell him about the dream he'll think your a freak if you tell him about the dream" a voice hissed in my head. What i dont want mason to think im a freak. What would he do to me if i told him about the dream.

I mean i cant just go up to mason and be like hey mason when i passed out i had this crazy dream where i saw my parents and their murderer than I got mad and silver claws sputtered out of my nails and i slit the murderer's throat with my silver claws. The hell with telling him that i mean come on why would he believe me. Now that i think about it why did i have that dream the doctor's told me that im 100% human.

"What happened when you passed out mikayla" mason urged me on to tell him.

"I-i u-um-uhh nothing nevermind" i said while resting my hands on my lap.

"Um I'll let the matter drop for now but remember i wont forget it so easily" mason said while pointing at me.

I nodded at him and gave him a light smile. You guy's are probably wondering why mason said he's a werewolf. Well that's because he is one. That's also the reason why he doesn't kill werewolves.

"Hey um i guess you can go home now besides i have school tomorrow" i said a little awkward.

"Sure by the way what school do you go to" he asked. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Ridgewood high why" i asked while watching him closely with narrowed eyes.

"Now that's a suprise" he said when he was at the door. I watched the door uncomfortably as he closed it slowly.

I rubbed my head and got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. My hair was a bit dirty i had bags under my eyes and i looked exhausted. I sighed and started to take my clothes off. I took a quick shower and climbed out. I pulled out a red tank top and black short shorts. I looked closely in the mirror as light reflect on it. When the light dissapeared i jumped back in fright.

In the mirror was a reflection of me alright but it was all different? My hair was white i had silver claws sputtering out of my finger tips and the backround was the bathroom all frozen silver. My eyes one red one blue. I watched in horror as the blue eyes slowly started to get covered by a silver armor patch. The woman in the mirror smirked as her entire blue eyes was covered in silver. The person in the mirror was me. That means im not human.

I walked over to my bed and slowly crawled under the cover's. Im probably gonna have to go see whise tomorrow after school. Whise i haven't seen that old hag in a while. She was always scary as hell but she was kind to me. She was the first person to comfort me when she found out my parents were murdered.

In a matter of minutes i was fast asleep. I woke up in a dark void it was pitch black around me nothing in sight. That's until i heard something.

"Thanks for meeting me here my dear" the voice said. Im guessing it was a woman since the voice was so melodious.

"Excuse me but who are you" i asked the darkness while walking around.

"Thats an easy question my dear im you" she giggled. What did she mean.

"Im sorry but i dont understand what you're trying to tell me" i answered.

"Oh i know dear a lot of people don't understand"  she giggled out once again.

"Then please tell me who you are really" i yelled through the darkness.

I turned around slightly when i felt a strong blast of cool air hit my back. I turned around to see somone in armor walking over to me. I gulped as each step she took a small patch of frozen real silver was left behind. With each step she took her armor started folding back until she looked like a normal woman.

She stopped right infront of me and smiled. She was the same height as me and looked exactly the same as me except. I gasped loudly as she smirked with a crazed expression.

"You're the woman in the mirror" i said while pointing at her.

"Yep or to make it more easier im you mikayla" she said in her melodious voice.

She was actually extremely beautiful for her to be me. She had long light silver hair a long high low silver armor skirt. She had silver claws coming out of her finger tips and silver heels. Her eyes.

"Red and blue" i whispersd lightly. She nodded her head.

"Mikayla know this you and me are one person time is running out and know this the people you care about may not care about you" she said with her melodious voice fading away.

I woke up with a jolt. I shot up into a sitting position on the bed. Sweat was dripping down my face and i was breathing heavily. I swallowed loudly and looked over at the clock 7:30. School starts at 8:45.

I yawned and walked over to the bathroom. I grabbed a white towel along the way. I climbed in the shower and took a shower until 7:50. I climbed out and dried myself completely. I walked out and laid my clothes on my bed.

My shirt was a loose white shirt that said sorry im late. I had a pair of shorts that were torn at the bottom edge and were black. I was wearing my red vans, a pair of black heart earings, and put on a bracelet that said hakuna matata. I curled my hair a bit to top off my outifit. I raced down the stairs and grabbed a banana and my back pack. I raced out the door to my beautiful Lamborghini.

I climbed in the car and started the engine. I drove all the way to school. I looked in the woods and saw a couple of wolves racing through the trees with clothes tied around their ankles. One in particular caught my full attention. A humongous black wolf with piercing blue eyes. A blonde wolf ran along side him it was almost as big as him but not really.

I stopped the car and climbed out. I looked over at the woods only for my eyes to connect blue ones. I cautiously walked over to the woods and walked in. I looked around the woods it was honestly beautiful. I walked through the woods taking in every detail. This has to be the most beautiful woods i jave ever visited. And trust me i have visit a lot of woods well because im an assassin.

I was walking around when i heard faint growling and snarling. I raced through the woods following the sound of growls and snarls. As i was nearing the place where all the growling was coming from i noticed a pair of familiar green eyes. I broke through all the trees and 3 pairs of eyes were on me. I looked up and saw that the 2 wolves were growling at the one person i though i would never see here.



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