23: burning the candle at both ends

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The camera and the microphones got almost shoved into your face the instant you handed the villain over to the police. The last two weeks had been a blur; between becoming friends with Bakugo again, the School Festival, and the internships – you rarely had the moment to think, let alone think about what to respond to the reporters.

Behind the reporters' heads, the flashing lights, and the microphones – you could see Edgeshot stand with his arms crossed over his chest, eyes twinkling in amusement as he tried not to laugh at your pleading gaze to be rescued from the media masses.

Ten minutes later, he finally got his head out of his ass and came up with an excuse, so you could leave. You could almost hear the amusement in his tone as he spoke.

"One would have thought you got used to the media attention by now," he mused.

"How can I get used to the media attention?" you shivered slightly, remembering how you felt utterly exposed as all the cameras and lights got turned to you. "They're vultures."

"Yes, they are. But, you have had the debut last week – you're the shiny new toy."

Your nose wrinkled in response. Yes, your debut had been a little out of the ordinary; not that you had remembered much from it. Edgeshot had contacted you during a terrible storm, saying how the drains in the city were overflowing and he needed help to direct the water – which was the perfect job for you – until a villain showed up.

A blue lightning user, who threatened to use the muddy water you were directing to scorch every civilian and hero into barbeque meat. So, you had made him his muddy water prison right as he fired off the attack, resulting in him only scorching himself.

The media had been all over it.

The class had also been all over it, praising you for your quick thinking.

"I hope my shiny new toy status dies down soon. I want to go back to normal," you exhaled with a slight grimace.

"There is no going back to normal. Wherever you go wearing your hero costume, people will pick up their phones or cameras to take pictures. Being a hero is also a lot about reassuring the crowds, so just smile and wave. Be polite. You'll get used to it," Edgeshot paused for a moment, "But I am surprised that you aren't familiar with the cameras yet."

You understood what he meant. At the age of four, you had been stuck in front of the cameras after you saved Todoroki from drowning, and combined with the interviews after the Sports Festival – you should have been accustomed to it.

"I don't like cameras, make me feel exposed. You know those dreams where you just show up naked on a stage – that's what it feels like."

Edgeshot laughed warmly, "Totally understand where you're coming from. You'll get used to it though."

"So the feeling doesn't go away then? Great," you breathe out through your teeth.

This internship with Edgeshot was completely different from the one you had after the Sports Festival. Back then, you had more fun, it was light-hearted and you developed a lot during that week. Yet, your progress was skyrocketing at a pace you were uncomfortable with. Edgeshot let you take the lead, and if you failed, he was right there to cover for the miss – even though he hadn't needed to step in yet.

You could feel how your quirk had evolved, and how your quick reaction time had evolved into something even faster. It became easier to adapt after mistakes, and mistakes didn't become mistakes anymore – they were learning opportunities.

"So, I heard UA is hosting their annual School Festival thing –," you could almost feel the "despite everything that's going on", but Edgeshot didn't say out loud. "What is your class doing?"

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