Spring broken

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Y/n could be seen sleeping at his bed and it was morning, he soon woke up and then he found blitzo at his bed like a cat



Y/n could be seen and along with blitzo

Y/n: how the hell did you even get past the guards in the mansion

Blitzo could be seen driving the van

Blitzo: don't question it now we're gonna go and pick up moxxie and Millie

Y/n:...and why did I have to come along? I have a car you know

Blitzo: well now that you're in our family-

Y/n: business. Don't confuse it

Blitzo: you no longer have to drive, for now on you are gonna get picked up by me

Y/n:...well atleast I don't have to make my car dirty anymore

Blitzø: this is hell y/n no one cares about cars being clean here, only Millie and moxxie do that

Y/n: i clean my car too sir

Blitzø: and we're here

He then brings out a megaphone


Moxxie could then be seen coming out of the apartment along with Millie

Moxxie: we're coming we're coming

They then get inside the van

Y/n:...aren't we forgetting someone? Like loonie-

Loona then looks at y/n...it seems she was in the front seat

Loona: it's loona asshole!

Y/n:...wait then why does he call you that the-

Blitzø: I'm her father

Y/n was now confused


Loona: I'm adopted dumbass

Y/n: oh okay for a second I though he...never mind

Then they started driving back to the building...while blitzo started singing...y/n was suffering

Then a pink car that had said SUCK4LIFE (idk)
Came and took their parking spot


He then stopped the car

Blitzo: oh you suck for life do ya!?

He then got his megaphone out

Blitzo: Listen up, you unoriginal pink cum dump! You have three goddamn seconds to get your tits out of my parking spot!

Then a woman came out of her car and it was none other than-

Blitzo: Oh, shit! Verosika!

Verosika blows a bubble of pink gum before it pops

Verosika: Blitz-o.

Blitzo: I should have known you'd be here. I could smell fish for miles, which is odd. Because, I believe the nearest ocean is...

Blitzo falls and faceplants onto the ground before standing up.

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