Chapter 1 (Welcome to Tulsa)

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I woke up to the sound of a train moving along the tracks. Probably because I was on a train. I've never really been the traveling type, I've always lived in New York and that's how I liked it. My mom did have to travel a lot for her job though. Usually when she did travel, I'd be left in New York and she'd come back shortly after. This was different, we were moving. I was on my way to Tulsa Oklahoma and there was no going back.

I heard that Tulsa had a lot more country land than New York. I've always liked life in the city, it'd be a lot to adjust to this new place. I must've been sleeping for a while because my mom started tapping me on the shoulder. I turned around to see her.

"Y/n, our stop is coming up in three minutes. Get your stuff together." she said.

I grabbed my carry on bag and we went together to grab our luggage from the back area. Soon enough the train stopped and it was time to get off. Me and my mom got off together. When I stepped off the train, the train station looked run down and old. In fact, everything around here looked run down and old. Maybe this wouldn't be so different than New York.

Boy was I wrong

We made our way to where we were staying. My mom found a small two bedroom house, which was perfect for us. She signed me up to go to a local school as well, Will Rogers High School. It was already half way through the school year so I wasn't ecstatic about going. I was going to start in two days and I didn't know anyone there. 


After a while, I finished unpacking all of my clothes and the rest of my belongings. I went back into the living room to watch some TV.

"Y/n, why don't you go out and explore the town. I don't need you watching any more television." My mom said.

"Your just letting me go?" I asked.

"Y/n, you went out by yourself in New York, this is nothing. Get to know your area. We're gonna be living here." She said.

"Fine." I said as I got my shoes on and got ready to go outside. I was wearing a casual outfit since I had been travelling all day.

 I was wearing a casual outfit since I had been travelling all day

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I walked out the door and onto the streets of Tulsa. I had no idea where to go but I was a bit hungry so I decided to try and find a restaurant. I walked up an down sidewalks in the neighborhood in search of a place to eat. Everything looked super sketchy. Which made this place a bit more exciting. I saw a gas station that looked like it could have some food. I decided to go there. When I walked in I saw that there was a guy working at the register. He looked up at me. Oh lord he was hot.

"How may I help you?" He asked.

"You got a coke?" I asked.

"Sure do. I don't recognize you, have you been here before?" he said while grabbing a coke and putting it on the counter.

"No. I'm new around here." I said.

"Oh! Well in that case, i'm Sodapop, that guy outside is my buddy Steve." He said pointing to a guy out by a car. I hadn't even noticed another guy out there.

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