Chapter 3 (Photograph)

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~Your POV~

I sat still next to Ponyboy. I didn't really know what to say. Were we friends? Did we hate each other? I don't know. Ponyboy decided to break the silence.

"When are they getting back? They've been gone for ages." He asked.

"I don't know Ponyboy, maybe we should go spy on them." I said with a small laugh.

"Sounds like a plan. But nobody really calls me Ponyboy; Pony is my nickname."

"Then let's go Pony." I said as I started running to the concession area. Ponyboy followed me and we both walked in. We didn't see Dally or Johnny. But we did see someone else.

Bob Sheldon.

"Oh hey y/n, what are you doin hanging out with this bum again." Bob said.

"Bob, you better shut your mouth if you know what's good for you." I said rudely. I couldn't really fight that well even though I'm from New York. I am 90% sure I couldn't take Bob in a fight, but nobody knew me so I could bluff if I wanted too.

"Hey, I could kill you both quicker than you can imagine." Bob said. That actually kind of scared me. What if he really tried to kill us. Ponyboy looked over at me. He looked worried too.

"We ain't lookin for a fight Bob, just let us be on our way." Ponyboy said. Bob walked over, he was drunk again. He grabbed Ponyboy by the collar on his shirt. He pushed Pony into the wall and pulled out his switchblade. 

"Bob please don't do that, it's gone too far!" I yelled. Bob dropped Ponyboy and came over to me. He pushed me up against the wall and held his switchblade up to my neck. His friends grabbed Pony's arms and held him down. Pony was struggling to get out of their grasp while Bob cut into my neck. I could feel the blood drip down.

"Stop! Please!" I heard Pony yell in the background. 

"You got front row tickets to the show, greaser." One of the soc boys said. A red haired girl came up and tapped Bob on the shoulder. Bob dropped me and I fell onto the ground. Bob turned around and left with her. His friends exited after him. I brought my hand up to feel my neck and felt the warm blood coat my hands. Ponyboy rushed over too me. "Y/n....a-are you okay? I'm so sorry, really." Pony said.

"I'll be okay, it's not your fault Pony, you did nothing okay?" I said.

"Oh y/n, I really didn't think they'd do that to a new kid, especially a girl. I'm not gonna let them do anything like that again." Pony said

He helped me up and brought me out of the concession area. "Y/n, I'm gonna call Darry on the payphone over there. He's gonna bring us home." Pony said.

"Alright. I'll wait next to you." I said. Ponyboy walked over to the phone and dialed a number. He talked for a bit before walking over to me. 

"We live really close to here. Darry will be here soon. He's gonna bring you to our house. You can stay there for a bit. Darry can help you get fixed up." Pony said.

"Alright. Thank you Pony." I said


A minute later, bucks car pulled up and Dally ran out. "What the fuck happened?!" He yelled.

"Some socs got to me. Where were you guys?! And why did you come back?" I asked.

"I'm here to pick you up, I have a faster car so Darry let me go. Ponyboy, I'm gonna have a real long talk with you when we get there man." Dally said while leading us into the car.

"You didn't answer me. Where were you? And where's Johnny."

"We left cause we don't like movies. I didn't care enough to tell you man. And Johnny's at his house." Dally said. 

"Well can ya bring us home now?" Pony asked annoyance. 

"I don't have to give you a ride. Bye guys!" Dally said as he walked away.

"DALLAS GET BACK SHE'S HURT YOU DICK!!!!" Pony yelled. Dally spun around and looked at us. "Whoa, who taught this guy a big boy word." Dally said as he walked over to me. "Show me what happened y/n." Dally said. I looked up and the slit on my neck came into view. "Whoa man, who the hell did that?" Dallas asked. "Bob Sheldon. NOW CAN YOU DRIVE US HOME???" Pony yelled.

"Pony, relax, you're acting like a maniac." I said. 

"c'mon guys." Dally said while walking to his car. He went around and got in the drivers seat. I sat in the back cause I assumed Pony would take shotgun. He sat by me instead.

What a waste of the front seat.

We drove to Pony's house and the ride was pretty silent, until Dally spoke up. "So y/n how was your little nap." Dally asked.

"You mean at the theater? Well it would be better if I didn't wake up on the floor." I said while shooting a glare at Ponyboy. 

"On the floor? You were on Ponyboy's shoulder when I last checked. He was blushin so much man. He even kissed your forehead." Dally said.

"WhAt?!" I asked.

"That ain't true. Dally likes to lie. I would never kiss you. Well I didn't mean it like that, I mean if you wanted too I would. But you don't want to. Not that I'm trying to tell you how you feel, but you don't love me. Well I don't know that but if you did I guess-" Ponyboy went on until I cut him off.

"Quit rambling before you accidentally ask for my hand in marriage." I said. Dallas was just shaking his head the whole time. "You are the stupidest bunch of kids I have EVER met." He mumbled just loud enough that we could hear.

Dally's car pulled up to the Curtis house. Darry and Soda ran out. We all got out of the car and Soda came back up to me. He wrapped me in a hug. I didn't know him that well but he was really comforting. "We ain't gonna let them hurt you no more y/n. I was real worried when Pony called." Soda said. 

"Hey, I'm fine, It's just a cut." I said.

"Quite a big cut. Let's get you cleaned up." Soda said. Darry nodded. Soda led me into the bathroom then he went to go grab some supplies from the drawer. He came back in shortly after. "So who exactly did this to ya?" Soda asked.

"Well it was Bob but I'm sure Dally's gonna beat him up. That's how he rolls." I said.

"Not if I get to Bob first." Soda mumbled.

"You don't seem like the type to fight." I said.

"Oh, well I think fighting is fun. Here, I'm gonna clean your cut real quick okay? It's gonna hurt but only for a second." Soda said. 

"Alright." I said. Soda brought his hand up to my cheek to move my face upwards. He took it off a second after. He cleaned up my cut a bit and it stung. He wiped some of the blood off and it hurt. Somehow my hand made it's way into his. After he was done, I noticed our hands. 

"Oh sorry." I said while letting go.

"Hey, don't you dare be sorry. I thought it was cute." He said. I blushed a lot. The hottest guy in Tulsa just called me cute. I wanted to say something back but I didn't even know what to say. 

"Thank you for being so nice since I came here Soda." I said.

"Anytime y/n. Anytime." Soda said while looking straight in my eyes. His hand made it's way back to my cheek. I barely had time to process what was going on. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back. Sodapop sure was a good kisser. His warm soft lips pressed up against mine. My hand moved behind his neck and his hands pulled me closer to him. When we pulled away we just stared at each other in awe. Then Soda's expression changed.

"I-I messed up real bad." Soda said.

"What is you have a girlfriend?" I asked.

"No, it's not that. Y/n, I just can't talk about it." He said sadly. My expression changes sadly as well. What was stopping him. Was it me? What was wrong with me? Soda put a band-aid on my neck. He then opened the bathroom door and left me alone in the room. I sat there thinking about what I did wrong. Maybe he just didn't like me.


A/N: This is short sry. I'm lazy.

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