Chapter 7 (Weekends)

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Darry called us all to the dining room for dinner. The boys rushed in. Steve pushed everyone out of the way. He was determined to get first. By the time I got there, there was barely anything left. I took what was left and thanked Darry for making food for everyone. It was the first thing he did when he got home. 

"Hey y/n, why don't you spend the night here? I'm staying here; we could have a little party. After all, tomorrow there's no school!" Johnny said. 

"I'd have to ask my, I don't have any of my things. I can go back and ask." I said.

"I'll walk with you. Wouldn't want ya gettin jumped." Dallas said. I was assuming he was just gonna leave me to walk by myself. He did that last time. So I agreed to walk with him.

Me and Dallas went out and started walking to my house. It was cold but I didn't care one bit. I liked how the cold felt against my warm skin. "Want my jacket?" Dally asked.

"Nah. I'm good. I like the cold." I said. He nodded and we kept on walking. "Aren't ya gonna leave me Dallas?" I asked. 

"No. If I came back to the Curtis house and said that I just let you go, Darry would be pissed." He said.

"Well, my mom should be home by now. She'll be confused about where I've been and who you are." I said as we made our way up my doorstep. He nodded and I knocked on the door. I know it's my own house, but when somebody else is home I always knock. I don't wanna intrude. My mom came to the door soon after I knocked. 

"Hello- who's this? You got a new boy every week?" She asked.

"Mom! I don't, he just offered to walk me here since it's getting late." I said. 

"Alright. Wait, what are you wearing?" She asked. "Oh um...something happened at lunch and Ponyboy gave me this." I said. 

"Oh, Ponyboy, right. He's the cute one." She said. Dallas rolled his eyes.

"Well Mom, I wanted to ask if I could have a sleepover with Ponyboy, Johnny, Soda, and some of their friends" I said.

"You?! Sleeping over with a ton of boys?" She asked.

"Mam, I assure you it'll be fine. A few girls are coming too. Cherry Valance and Marcia. We're good guys. We  won't try anything on her." Dallas said.

"I suppose it's alright. Grab your things y/n. You can come in too if you'd like." My mom said to me and Dallas.

"Thanks. My name's Dallas by the way." He said. I've known Dally since I lived in New York but I have never seen him so polite. Maybe he was just like this around adults. I went up to my room and grabbed a bag. I put my clothes, makeup, toothbrush, hair products, and an extra pillow inside. When I went downstairs I saw Dallas and my mom having a conversation. "Yeah, I grew up in New York too. It's hard. If you need anybody I'm always here." My mom said. "I'll be fine but thank you Mrs. L/n," Dallas said. I walked into the living room so they could see me. "I'm ready to go." I said.

"Then let's head out doll." Dallas said as we walked towards the door. "Bye!" My mom said. Dally waved. We walked out and shut the door behind us.

"Your mom isn't that bad." Dallas said. "I know Dallas. I live with her." I said and he chuckled. "I was just sayin. She kind of reminded me of Mrs. Curtis; Soda would like her." Dally said. I nodded as we walked back to the Curtis house silently. We walked over to the gate and dally opened it for me. "Thank you kind sir." I said. 

"Anything for you my lady." he said. Dally was smiling. He'd never been like this. Not even when I talked to him in New York. Something inside me told me to grab his hand. I don't know why but I did. He looked surprised for a second but he didn't pull back. We started running hand in hand. Once we ran into the Curtis house we let go of each other.

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