Chapter 5 (First day of hell part 2)

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We got back to the lunchroom and Pony took me over to the table he sat at. I recognized Two-bit and Steve sitting there too. We sat across from them. "Y/n I didn't know you went here." Steve said. "Well I wouldn't expect you to...we just met like two days ago." I said.

Two bit spoke up changing the subject "I saw what happened with curly shepard...well, I'm pretty sure the whole school saw." he said. This did not make me feel better about my situation. I shoved my face into my hands because right now I did not wanna be seen. "Hey, I didn't mean to make you upset. You looked pretty badass talking shit about Curly Shepard." Two bit said even though I definitely wouldn't use the word "Badass" to describe this. "Thanks I guess." I said as I picked at the food on my lunch tray. I wasn't really in the mood to eat. Ponyboy was staring at me the whole time. It made me feel a bit uneasy. "What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked.

"No...I just...Well actually yeah you do have something on your face. Must've been from Curly. Man am I gonna kill him." Pony said. "Oh..." I said while wiping around my face to try and get it off. "Here, let me help ya." Pony said. His warm soft hand lifted and made it's way to my cheek. He wiped something off my face and his eyes never left contact from mine. "T-there you go." Ponyboy managed to say. "Thanks." I said with a smile.

"OooOoooh lovebirds." Steve said.

"We aren't lovebirds Steve." I said.

"I know, I was just messing around. Soda told me that he kissed you anyways." Steve said.

"WHAT?!" Two-bit exclaims.

"You kissed Soda?" Pony asked.

"Oh uh yeah..." I said quietly. Pony's eyes moved down to the ground and his face went pale. "You feeling sick Pony?" I asked.

"No...just a little cold...I'm fine." Pony said. I shot Steve another glare signalling that he shouldn't have said that. I wanted to keep some things to myself. "You and Soda together?" Pony asked. 

"No. He said he couldn't be with me. I don't wanna talk about it right now okay?" I said.

"Why wouldn't he wanna be with you, he talks about you all the time. I thought he liked you." Steve said.

"I said I don't wanna talk about it Steve." I repeated.

"Soda liked you? He didn't even tell me. I thought brothers would tell each other everything." Ponyboy said.

"Do you guys understand what it means when I say I don't wanna talk about it?!" I said almost yelling. The table next to us could definitely hear me.

"Sorry y/n...just upset about Soda." Pony said.

"Come on Pony, I'm sure he had a good reason for not telling you. Brothers don't have to tell each other EVERYTHING." I said.

"It's not that, well, never mind. I don't think it's fair because I tell Soda everything. I couldn't be mad at him for long though. He's my brother." Pony said.

"Soda tells me everything." Steve said triumphantly. Pony rolled his eyes and got up from the table. "I'm going to the bathroom." Pony said as he walked out of the cafeteria. I was left alone at the table with Two-bit and Steve. 

"Soda told me that Ponyboy liked you." Steve said not even a minute after Pony left. He sure was a gossip girl. "What?" I asked. "You heard me...well...Soda said he already told you." Steve said. 

"Soda never told me..." I said.

"Whoops. Well then you heard it from two bit and not me." Steve said. Two-bit's head shot up and he stopped eating.

"WHAT?! But I didn't even do it this time. I was just taking in all this gossip." Two bit said.

"Worth a shot." Steve said. I really couldn't believe that Pony would like me. At first he was mean to me and now he was starting to accept me as his friend; I still saw him as the annoying kid with the hot brother. "C'mon y/n, don't tell Soda I told ya. He'd be mad." Steve said.

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