Chapter 9 (The Shattering Sound)

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Yeah, you got that somethin'

I think you'll understand
When I feel that somethin'
I want to hold your hand

The record played in the dark corner of the room. I walked over to Johnny who seemed to be a bit shaken up. "Hey Johnnycakes. How ya doing?" I asked.

"Oh um. I-I'm okay." Johnny stuttered. 

"You sure? It's alright not to be okay." I said.

"Nah, I'm tough y/n. It's alright." Johnny said nervously. I know Johnny is tough but I wouldn't say I liked Dally's influence on him. He is so emotionless and makes it seem inhumane to have feelings. I don't like the way he tells Johnny to toughen up. I know he cares about Johnny though.

"I'm not giving up. Tell me what's up." I said.

"Fine. I've been thinking about my parents. You think they're worried about me?"

"Joh-" I was interrupted.

"No. My dad doesn't give a hang about where I am but it doesn't bother me one bit. if anything they'll be mad at you when you get home. Probably beat you to death." Dally said.

"Dallas shut the hell up right now." I said.

"That's not what I meant. Johnnycakes, you got the whole gang here with you. It doesn't matter if your parents care." Dallas said. Johnny looked defeated. 

"I guess." He mumbled. I gave Johnny a sympathetic look.

"I would say we could talk outside but we can't even go outside." I said.

"Hey guys, let's find something better to do than moping around. There's some music, let's dance!" Soda said.

Two-bit came over and danced with me. He spun me around too. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Ponyboy.

"Hey y/n, can I talk to you real quick." he said.

"About what..." I asked

"I just need to ask something and I figured you'd know." he said.

"Alright." I said as I followed him into his room. I didn't want another awkward situation to happen but I didn't wanna be rude and refuse to speak to ponyboy.

"You're from New York right?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"So you know lot's of different types of people right?" he asked.

"Yeah, I guess." I said.

"Well what's the people that like both boys and girls called." He asked. I almost choked on my air before responding. "Bisexual." I said.

"Ok." He said.

"Is that all you wanted to ask...?" I asked.

"Um yeah" He said. So much for a not awkward situation.

"Are you bisexual?" I asked.

"No that's not good." He said quickly.

"Who told you that?" I asked.

"Well I don't know. I just learned I guess." He said.

"Well, I don't know where you learned it but it's okay to be whatever you want." I said.

"O-okay I guess. Thanks y/n." He whispered. I walked back out where Two bit was waiting.

"Hey y/n what took you so long. Come on dance with us!" Two-bit said.

"Okay okay." I said running over to them. Darry and Dally just observed. 

I danced with Soda and two bit. I even danced with Steve for a bit. The record played and we all listened until we heard something else. We all stopped. Soda turned the recorded off. The loud sound happened once more. It sounded like a pounding. I became frightened. I felt my arm being grabbed and pulled towards someone. I admit, I thought I was being kidnapped. Although once I looked up, I noticed it was Dallas.

"Dally you scared the crap out of me," I said. He didn't respond. He stood there listening. The pounding noise then turned to a shatter. A glass shatter. Dally pulled me, along with Johnny, to some closet. The others went in separate directions. 

"Are we gonna die?" Johnny asked.

"No. We'll be fine." Dallas said.

"Someone is inside," I said.

"Then shut the hell up y/n" Dally said. I did. Mostly because I was in shock. If this was my last day on earth, would I be okay with it? Would this be a life well lived? No. I opened my mouth to speak but Dallas covered my mouth.

I heard footsteps shuffling around the halls. I prayed it was one of the guys. Dallas pulled something out of his jacket. It was a whole fuckin gun. Who the hell keeps a gun in their jacket? At a sleepover party?!

The closet door opened and Dallas pointed his gun right at the person's face. Until I realized who that person was. She yelled, "Oh my god don't shoot me!" She yelled loudly.

"Cherry Valance?!" Johnny said.

"That's Cherry Valance?" I asked. She was so pretty with curled red hair and beautiful eyes.

"Yeah, but why the hell are you here Cherry?" Dallas asked.

"I need help." She said.

"Well, why'd you break the window?!" I asked.

"That wasn't me. My boyfriend bob." She said.

"BOB IS HERE?!" Dallas asked.

"Yeah. He's a little drunk." She said.

"No shit." I mumbled.

"What do ya need help with?" Johnny asked.

"A bunch of guys broke into my house. Marcia's too. They're all over the soc neighborhood." Cherry explained.

"And what are we supposed to do about it?" Dallas asked.

"I don't know, I guess I was just scared and thought you guys could protect us." Cherry said.

"I'm out." Dallas said.

"Dallas you can't leave." I said.

"Don't tell me what to do. I'm leaving and so are you."

"No! What are you thinking." I yelled. Cherry and johnny looked really scared. Dallas grabbed my bag and slung it over his shoulder. He grabbed my arm too. He pulled me over to the door and unlocked it. There we were standing in front of the open door. He pulled me out.

That was where it all began.

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