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The room was silent for at least 5 minutes. The weight of everything they had just watched finally caught up to the people in the room. They had just watched young children be sent into an arena to fight to the death. They just watched their friend be sent into a death arena, and she won.

"Well damn..." Clint sighed out.

Sam couldn't help but agree, "Yeah."

There were another few minutes of silence that passed before Tony spoke up again, trying to break the silence. "Well, that was... something." He mutters.

Everyone just nodded.

The group looked towards Blake, who was hiding in Natasha's head. Feeling her discomfort, Natasha spoke up, "I'm going to take her to our room for a moment. We will be back." Natasha stood up, pulling Blake with her, guiding her out of the living room and into the bedroom.

With that, the people in the room were left alone, the tensions were still high, and not everything had been forgiven, not in the slightest, especially between Steve and Tony. The fight in Serbia had created an almost irreparable rift between the two.

Bruce, the man who hadn't been aware of what happened with the accords until recently, decided to speak up, "So, how is everyone feeling?"

"That was a lot." Clint response.

"Yeah, I finally understand why she's never talked about her past with us," Tony said.

"I can't even imagine any of this. Not to mention, this is still the first movie we have a TV series and 4 more movies to watch. I can't even imagine what else there is to watch. This was so bad I can't imagine it getting any worse." Wanda said in almost a whisper.

"This is happening on the planet Blake is from, right? Do we know if this is still happening?" Steve questions.

"I don't know, Cap. I guess we just gotta wait and find out," Sam responded.

No one spoke again, everyone trapped in their own heads, just waiting for the couple to return.

Meanwhile, Blake was standing in her and Natasha's shared bathroom, raising her face with cold water. She looked into the mirror and saw what a mess she was. Her eyes were red, her skin pale, and bags were visible under her eyes. She was so focused on her reflection she didn't hear the bathroom door open. She also didn't notice her redheaded lover enter the bathroom until she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist.

The touch made her immediately tense; however, she quickly relaxed when she realised who it was. Natasha kissed her cheek and just held Blake for a while. Eventually, Natasha gently pulled Blake back into their bedroom and made her sit on the bed.

"Talk to me." Natasha whispers, "Tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours." She says as she gently taps the side of Blake's head.

Blake doesn't respond at first; instead, she looks up and meets Natasha's eyes. The duo stares at each other for some time before they both lean in. The kiss is slow and passionate, and nothing but love can be felt between the two.

It's a few minutes before the two must separate for air. However, they don't fully disconnect, keeping their foreheads together. There is a moment of silence before Blake finally answers Natasha's question. "I don't want the others to fear me. I killed people. Innocent people and I don't know. I just don't even know anymore. I'm scared."

Nat gently smiles, "You know you didn't have a choice. You had to either kill or be killed. No one can blame you for that."

Blake took a shaky breath, tears starting to pour out of her eyes, "Sometimes I wished I just died in that arena."

Natasha knew she couldn't say anything to change Blake's mind. They have had the same conversation countless times in the past. So, Natasha just held her while she cried, whispering soft reassurances into her ear.

After some time, the tears stopped. Blake started playing with the ring that found its way onto Natasha's finger only hours before. She then said with a light laugh, "We're getting married."

Neither woman could keep the smile off their faces, "Yeah, we are."

"I love you."

"I love you too. More than you can even imagine."

They just kept smiling softly at each other.

"I think I know what comes up in the TV series." Blake takes a deep breath before continuing, "It's going to be about my life after winning, and I know you know the basics, but I want you to hear it from me first."

Natasha didn't say anything; she just listened. It didn't take long to explain, but what was explained was a lot to process. But not once did Natasha judge her. Her loving gaze remained. She didn't interrupt anything. Once Blake finished, Natasha just hugged her again and told her she loved her again.

Nothing could make Natasha not love Blake. Nothing.

Blake is the love of Natasha's life. Nothing Blake could tell her about her past could change that.

Natasha and Blake soon found themselves walking back hand in hand to the living room where the rest of the Avengers were waiting. They saw that they hadn't killed each other yet, which they took as a win. They were all talking amongst themselves, keeping to their sides during the 'Civil War', the tension still present within the room.

When everyone noticed the couple, they all smiled gently towards the pair. One thing is clear on their face. Pity. Blake hated Pity. So she didn't say anything. She sat down next to Yelena, pulling Natasha to sit on her left. Yelena was the only one not to look at her pitifully, which she apricated.

She didn't say anything. Instead, she just pressed play. And by pressing play, she is revealing more and more of the secrets she thought would be forever hidden from the world.

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