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Nothing happened after that, Tommy did leave Phil alone. Making his way to his room where he initially intended to go before the entire... argument? He wasn't sure if that what it was in all honesty, maybe it was more of a vent or a explosion of emotions.

There was nothing he could do in his room and so he just stood there, the hardwood flooring hard beneath his feet as he tried and failed to dissociate from reality. His door was closed, not that it needed to be as he heard the front door slam shut and watched as Phil's car pulled out of the driveway.

Hitting the floor Tommy finally noticed that damp streaks that were streaming down his face his knees hurt from the fall. Sobs racked through his body as he realised what had just happened, Phil wasn't present in his life yet now he wasn't in it at all. There was no option to go and run back to him.

It was all his fault.

Ringing sounded throughout the room, his phone buzzing with the default ringtone. Flipping it over from where he had collapsed onto the floor the name splayed across the screen drew a smile to his face.
Sitting up slightly he wiped away the tears and pressed answer.

"Hi" it was small but loud enough to be heard on the other end of the phone, "Tommy? are you okay you sound like you've been crying?"
Pausing for a moment he thought about what had just happened, how his morning had been flipped upside down with a simple question that came from meaningless small talk.

"I could be better big man"
A small hum came from the other side of the phone, shuffling about could be heard as the man moved around and keys jingled "I'll come and pick you up, we can hang out."

"Thank you, see you soon."
Gravel could be heard as the man got into his car he never understood why he didn't pave his driveway, "See you in a minute Tommy, Love you."
The teen got up off of the floor in search for some clothes.
"I love you too, bye Dream."

The call went dead.

Throwing on a pair of joggers and a shirt he put his phone in his pocket along with his cigarette and the blonde made his way downstairs, walking straight past the kitchen he put his shoes on and waited on his doorstep.
Watching as Dream pulled up he got to his feet and walked towards his car sliding into the passenger seat.

"Oh kid," Opening his arms Dream invited him in wrapping his arms around the teen, holding him close to his chest as Tommy did the same.
"What happened." With red rimmed eyes he explained everything to the elder, from what Phil had said to what he did.
Dream only hugged him tighter before letting him go so they could drive to his place.

"I just want to forget about it all."
Dream was focused on the road but that didn't stop the small smile that worked it's way onto his face. "I can arrange that for us."

Turning the music up they endured the short ride to his house Tommy having a cigarette on the way.
Sapnap and George where there when they arrived home, Punz was running late but he'd be there in five. A mindless tv show played in the background as Dream searched for the weed.

He claimed he didn't want Tommy doing too much when he's upset, just something easy to take his mind off things. They deemed edibles a suitable drug to feed the blonde. Brown eyes never left the teen however as the show continued to play and Tommy continued to scroll on his phone.

George was adamant on staying sober in order to watch over Tommy, the later wasn't sure if that was reassuring or a sign that something had been planned.
Punz arrived only a few moments after Dream had found them and so they all sat on the couch and picked a youtube video, settling on a random let's play they all dug in.

It took two videos for the drug to actually take effect, as soon as it did everything became slowed not to mention how everything just became funny. His skin felt like an attachment of his own body something that he'd be able to shrug off later in the night.

Dream stared at him through slightly glazed eyes aswell, the elder reaching out to hold Tommy from where he sat. They giggled as they hugged someone had put cats on the tv and judging on Sapnaps intense staring it was him.

Arms wrapped around him tighter as sleep pulled at him, Punz only tapped him on the leg telling him to not fall asleep. Warmth surrounded his body as he laughed, no one really said anything to make him laugh but it was nice to feel happy.

George's eyes still hadn't left him, worry covering his features as he waited for something to go wrong. It didn't though, nighttime came and he was somehow still high. Dream looked sober and so did the other two, blinking his eyelids became heavy and he sunk further into the couch.

"Who's Ranboo?"
Suddenly his pocket felt a lot lighter, his phone now in Dreams hand as he read through the notifications. Tommy reached forward in order to stop the violation of his privacy.
"No one Dream"
His eyes were red aswell as glazed over as he mumbled his words. The elder didn't exactly like that answer and it felt as if this morning was playing out again infront of him.

"I mean he's uh just someone I met at a party."
Green eyes looked toward brown ones as a silent conversation was had over him, the confession only seemed to make the situation worse.
"How? you only every talk to us at parties."

Dream didn't seem mad. Atleast to Tommy he didn't. the question was innocent enough to fly high over his head. "He was in the bathroom when I did coke. They just danced with me for a bit before bringing me back to you."
He was no longer looking at Dream, the static of the wall capturing his vision as he just stared. A content grin on his face.

"How about we get you home Toms?"
Huh? But they were hanging out, he was high. Dream knew about his situation at home and judging by everyone else's reactions so did they.
"Dude that's messed up." A laugh was followed after the sentence, Punz didn't actually believe what he had just said to be true he found the situation funny. As if it was a joke.
"I have work tomorrow it's not my fault. Come on let's get you up."

The wrappers of what he had eaten hours earlier still laid on the table, the lable reading 1000mg. While the other three only reading 250mg, Oh.

The car ride was silent, apart from the music that played and the wind that pushed past the car. "You can't be angry at me Toms."
Blue eyes only closed sluggishly, he felt them roll back only for them to open again. His world was full of just static as he failed to think about anything. "I did what you asked me to, now you don't have to think about anything."

Dream was right, this is what he asked for. It was his fault for not reading the package of the brownie. "Do you even know where your mind is right now?" Tommy laughed though it came out as more of a giggle. Staring over at Dream he shook his head.
Finally taking notice of where they were he clinked out of the car.

"Bye Dream, I love you."
The driver repeated the words to him as he allowed the blonde inside. Watching as he closed the front door.

Failing to notice the second car in the driveway.

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