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The better was always temporary, that's what Tommy had learnt. That he could only feel good for a few hours before there was another spiral in which he would hurt people. But the people that he hurt would only feel that hurt for a little while.

He's always felt that hurt. Even now as a hand was waved infront of his eyes and he could hear laughs, Tommy couldn't respond. There was no word that wanted to come out.

Acid wasn't the best thing he could've picked all things being considered. George looked half scared to death when he put two of the four tabs on his tongue. Fuck him.
Tommy was angry. Always so angry if someone was there for him everything inside of him screamed to be mad, sad. Every emotion but safe.

It felt like if he was born to feel one emotion it would be mad.

In what world was he happy. A cracked iPhone sat next to the blonde as texted flooded his notification board, names he didn't care to know sat there. Dream looked over to him, green eyes stared into glazed ones as he picked up the phone. Reading through the message before answering some of them, laughing as he did.

Closing his eyes Tommy just rested. A numb feeling speed throughout his curled up body. He was somewhat wedged between the couch and the wall. It felt nice.

The phone was shoved toward him, "go to the bathroom."
Picking himself up was harder than it should've been. Taking the little blue tin with him he found the designated phone call room.

Metal was cold in his palm as he squeezed the tin. "Tommy?" The voice wasn't actually known, he thought he would know it but it sounded like they were underwater and also speaking french.
"Yep who is this?"
Opening the tin was easy and practiced.

"It's boo." He put the tab on his tongue. Oh fuck. "Hey boo."
Oh shit. Not now, not ever he couldn't speak to them now. "Where are you Tommy?"
No. Not like this he can't see Tommy like this. Ranboo doesn't deserve it.

The room started to look funny, big waves and swirls becoming apparent. "In a bathroom boo"
His mouth felt heavy. More swirls made him laugh, a sigh came from the other side of the phone. A jingle of keys. Uh oh.
"Who's bathroom Tommy."
His eyes closed then opened, he threw the tin somewhere. Ranboo wasn't meant to actually know.

Like sure he did drugs at parties. But to be fully addicted was ugly, the raw side of him that no one should see. Why should anyone have to see him like that. Dream and everyone else made Tommy  like this. Ranboo was supposed to be new, only seeing the good side of him.

"Dreams house." Ranboo started their car. Starting the short journey to the drug dealers house, they kept talking to Tommy to keep him aware and actually alive. "I'm here. do you want me to come get you?"
Did dream know, was he aware.
"nuh uh."

Tommy stumbled through the house, phone clutched in his hand as everything he laid his eyes on became small swirls. Bile rose i. his throat as the hallucinogenic worked its full effect. "Dream!"
The blonde fell forward only catching himself on the door frame, swinging into the living room as they all looked up at him.
"yes Tom?"

"got to go, boob is here."
Green eyes had the audacity to look shocked for a moment, quickly schooling his features Dream just nodded. Maybe, probably? There was no way to tell as the swirls only grew.
Moving toward the front door Tommy fell threw it, Ranboo still sitting in his car looking ever so slightly annoyed by Tommys antics.

Not moving from their place in the car Ranboo simply watched, the blonde fumbled around a large smile on his face as whatever drug he had taken took hold of his brain. Falling off the porch Tommy got back up and looked around in search for Ranboos car. Which was infront of him.

"Boo!" Beside it all the later couldn't help but smile, the teen slipped into the seat next to him. "Hey Toms, what did you take?"
Seemingly staring into space the boy simply looked towards the road, pupils taking up his entire irises. "Erm blue."  Helpful, really helpful Tommy.

Whilst driving Ran pulled out his phone which yes was illegal but was also necessary, clicking call his phone rang once then twice. "Bill is need you and Amisey at my place asap."
The teen on the other side of the phone began moving, what sounded like bedsheets were thrown off. "Why?"

"It's Tommy."
A hum and then a start of a car, "we'll be there."
Tommy giggled at the phone, "helloo!"
the world still spun as swirls and waves moved everything into a mix of colours. Street lights merged with the sky as all the colours became undefinable the faster the car went the more funny everything became.

Black seeped into the corners of his vision as blue eyes rolled back. What was left of Tommys irises, no longer existed as his pupils engulfed the rest of his eyes. "Tom?" The surrounding area was recognisable as they pulled onto Ranboos street. His house being only a few minutes away. "Tom?"

Blonde hair shrouded the front of his face as the boy in question slumped forward. "Shit! Tom get up."
Keeping his hands on the wheel Ranboo swerved into the driveway where both Aimsey and Bilzo were waiting. "Tommy fucking wake up."

Parking the car Ranboo jumped out shouting for both of their friends. Converse slapping against the pavement as they nearly ran straight into the car, with shaky hands he pulled open the passenger side door possibly more hard than necessary the door bouncing open.

"Grab the naloxone!"
He was stone cold as Ranboo unclipped his seat belt, Tommy wasn't responsive nor was he seizing, he just laid there. Half dead.
Aimsey ran forward as push the spray into his nose, pulling Tommy forward to shake him awake. Lulling to the side he threw up just missing his friends. Ranboo pulled back his hair, making sure no sick got in his hair.

They had discovered that the blonde was an addict two weeks ago, at first they thought that he only did them at parties to enjoy life. But then they saw him at school, constantly half dead. Sulking around with new bruises and dark eyes.

Ranboo knew about Dream everyone did but they also knew about Phil. Something not many people had heard about was Tommys family. At first everyone assumed that Tommy was Dreams and there were no further question.
When Tommy first talked about his home life it sounded, well it sounded bad but atleast Phil was trying right? Maybe it wasn't the best way but atleast he cared, partially.

Dream hasn't cared. He still doesn't care, who gives a teenager drugs that will kill him, knowing that it will cause an overdose.

Laying Tommy on the couch they covered him with a blanket as the rest of them settled down trying to figure out where to go from this.

Was there anywhere to go?

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