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The next morning was uneventful, without school they all rolled out of the living room at the lovely hour of one in the afternoon. Ranboo had offered to take the three of them home and so they were all crammed into the his car with Tommy being the first to be dropped off.

Trees flew past them as random songs from their joint playlist were sung in the background, it was a cold day. Ranboo had shoved a jumper over the blondes head to mitigate it yet it didn't do much against the harsh chill of the air. It was a sweet gesture.

By the time they reached Tommys house it seemed to get colder, the driveway still had two cars in it no matter how much he prayed there wouldn't be.
Ranboo's foot pressed down slowly on the right peddle, he drove an automatic so the car stopped without much of a jolt. They all said their goodbyes with kisses and cuddles.

Wind blew against his blonde hair, only the engine being any source of noise.
Ranboo would only pull off once Tommy had gotten inside, some part of it made his heart feel warm.
Twisting the door handle he stepped in and the car was gone. Something inside of him screamed to turn and run the other way but Ranboo had left and so there was no where to go.

With it being the afternoon he had hoped that his family would've be out. The tv was loud, maybe it was because before they had gotten home it was never on. Tommy snuck towards the stairs hoping that he could escape confrontation.

Oh for god sake.
He continued walking, ignorance is bliss.
"Tommy stop."
Phil called out to him from the sofa, it's not like the man had any say in what Tommy did anymore but for the sake of his phone he turned to the man.

Sat on the sofa were the three of them, not one of them watching what was on the TV anymore.
"Where did you go last night?" Wilbur was the one to push the first question.
"To a friend's house, we had a sleepover."
Phil looked surprised at the fact Tommy even had friends, which was insulting but fuck him.
"Did you do any drugs?"

Well, short answer yes. Long answer was no because technically not at Ranboos but if his dad was to pull out another test it would be positive.
At this point he had taken too long to answer.

Phil sighed and got up from his seat, moving towards the bathroom the old man pulled out a test from the cabinet and the two of them went in. Wilbur was screaming about something to Techno and the teen had no doubt that something was him.

"It was just weed."
Phil stared at the wall, saying nothing.
"Why do we have to take the test, you knew I was high yesterday."
The man only turned around after hearing Tommys fly being pulled up, old eyes staring at the teen.
"Because Tommy. I can't trust what you take anymore, the tests are meant to encourage you to stop."

That book must have been a really good read.
Quoting it is sad even for Phil. The blonde pushed past the man and ignored the brunette who was still yelling, his room was how he left it. The window was letting in the cold air.

His bedroom was positively a mess, bottles of god knows what lying on the floor and clothes stacked in a pile which looked ready to fall over. Tommy didn't want to see anyone anymore there was no real point in staying awake but blue eyes were wide awake as he laid there on the unmade bed.

The ceiling stared back at him, it was white and decorated with posters of things he no longer liked. Maybe he should take them down.

Poking around in his pocket he fished out a packet of cigarette, half empty and a few being bent he pulled out the best looking one. With the window still being open he lit it. The smell instantly filling the air around him.

No one was there to interrupt the teen, what was happening downstairs was no longer his concern. Nicotine ran through his veins and the smell began to fade as more and more ash was poured into a dirty bowl.
Once there was nothing left to smoke he threw the rest of it out of the window.

"Tommy?" For god sake, can he not just have a minute.
The door swung open and there stood Techno and in all honesty its wasn't who the teen had expected it to be. "Can I come in?"
No, you can fuck off back to where ever you came from, who asked you to even come home.

Shuffling through the rubbish and clothes he finally made it to the bed where Tommy had sat up. "You look tired."
Oh, well he isn't wrong by any means. The bags were deep set under his eyes, not to mention the fact he hadn't washed his hair since... the incident.
"Thanks. Anything else?"
Techno didn't seem pleased by that answer.

"What happened?"
Tears pushed forward in blue eyes, "Fuck you. How can you come back and ask shit like that."
The laters mouth opened but was quickly closed when Tommy started again.

"You have been gone for so long. I made the best of my situation! I have had no dad, no help and I finally make friends and you come home and shit on all of that!"

The tears were in full form by now, thick globs falling down his face as he tried to get his sentence out.
"No dad?"
Anger stirred deep inside Tommy as the adult had enough nerve to look confused.
"That's what you pick up on. Phil doesn't talk to me outside of testing me. He only started that last week! Once you left he fucking forgot about me!"

"wait really?"
Tommy picked up his phone and left for the bathroom.
He didn't care anymore, he was going out and getting fucked up. Ringing sounded out throughout the bathroom. "Dream?"
The man on the other side of the phone was concerned.

Sapnap and Dream were lying on the sofa when the laters phone began to rang, is was Tommy. "Answer it dude, see what he wants."
So he did, the teen was sobbing mess only being able to get out his name as his phone was on speaker. Sapnap got up and got their shoes as they knew in a few minutes they'd be out of the house.

"Please come get me. I hate..I hate them and the- they keep acting like they care." Hiccups and sobs make him barely understandable. "We're on our way Toms. Do you need me to stay on call."
More crying and sobs made the blonde roll his eyes as he started the car. "No you- you need to drive."

The call ended and the two of them drove for a short amount of time until they reached the family home. With a few clicks they told the teen they're here.
Finally Tommy basically ran out of the door as a brunette followed after him screaming with two others standing at the door.

Starting up the car the back door flung open and the car was already pulling out onto the road as Tommy jumped in. "Come back now Tommy! If you go get high don't come home!"

No one wanted to speak on the way to Dreams but the tension was suffocating. "You feeling alright Tommy?"
Tears still ran down his face as he sniffled, "I don't want to feel at all."

A small smile leaked onto Dreams face and he stared at the road ahead. "Awh baby it's okay we can watch a movie when we get home, it'll be okay."
The tears slowed and with a smile Tommy spoke, "Okay Dream, love you."

Pulling into the driveway Dream texted Punz and the other was already on his way.
Tommy would feel better soon.

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