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A part of Ranboo knew Tommy wouldn't reach out.
That they'd be in this exact situation again.

School had started again, maybe it was for the better but somehow it didn't look like it was going to be. Tommys eyes had gotten darker, random bruises littering his arms, never his face. He'd shrug it off when teachers ask saying he picked up a sport.

Whispers spread quickly, about Punz and one of his crazy parties how it was coming up as a welcome back to school. School halls now were littered with groups discussing what to wear or what to drink, who was gonna talk to Dream about their supply.

Aimsey was the first to mention it to their friend group, all of them had already heard the chatter and caught the ends of conversations.
Yet none of them had actually agreed to go, Ranboo wasn't entirely sure they should. "Come on maybe you can catch Tommy in a happy mood." Bill was simply hoping to get drunk again, they hadn't been out since break ended.
"Okay but not for Tommy. We all just need to get out the house."

With that the party seemed to come quicker than expected, walking in the smell of several different types of alcohol smacked them in the face, two out of the three of them seemed to be vibrating. "back to the car for midnight or you're being left." With that information Bill took off in one direction and Aimsey in the other.

Party lights were blinding as Ranboo shoved through to the drinks station, everyone was here. Whether they were from their school or not there were far too many people for such a small house.

The music vibrated the floor which was a rough amount of sticky.
Making their drink he took off upstairs, the bathroom now left a sour taste in his mouth, staring at the room that reminded closed for the time being.
Ranboo had initially agreed for the chance to speak to a certain blonde, now they weren't to sure.

Opening the door it was all the same, what had they expected? Slipping into the bathtub he sipped on his drink listening to whatever music they had on downstairs.
A few seconds later the door flew open, Tommy ran in sporting a busted nose. The blonde acted as if he had no time to think before slamming the door and locking it. Ranboo had flew up at the sound, drink sloshing around violently in his cup.

The blondes eyes widened as his head whipped towards Ranboo. The lower half of his face was covered in blood which continue to drip. After seeing this the taller sprung into action grabbing toilet paper to push against the blondes nose.
"What happened?"
Maybe he did still care.

"I erm fell over hit my face"
Ranboo took the lie and held it, cherished it in a way. They thought on why Tommy would lie. It hurt. Why wouldn't he tell him?
"Okay Tommy."
Taking the paper away Ranboo examined the area, the blood seemed to have stopped.


They sat in uncomfortable silence for a moment, that was until Ranboo moved towards the sink to get a fresh piece of paper to clean Tommys face. Then the door started rattling.
A thump then a thud and Ranboo just stared in bewilderment.
"Tommy! fucking open the door!"

The blonde shot up pushing Ranboo towards the window, deja vu washed over the two of them. Ranboo was successfully outside sitting on the roof, they waited and listened.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
Tommy was quick to explain he was just cleaning up his nose, that he's sorry and he didn't mean to. Begging Dream not to kick him out.

"It's fine Tommy. You don't need to apologise for something like that."
Without being in the room Ranboo couldn't see what was going on, there was slight shuffling then silence again.
"What you had tonight Toms?"
"The drink I spilt in the tub and nothing else really."

Tommy was taken from the bathroom after Dream had helped clean the rest of his face up, saying sweet nothings to Tommy.
A horrible feeling swelled in Ranboo stomach. The teen sat on the roof for a few moments more, contemplating what to do next.
He could take Tommy in? Take him away from Dream.

He wanted to go home.

Ranboo would wait a few more hours until Aimsey and Bill found them again they would all get into his car and have a sleepover.

There was quite an empty feeling in his chest like his heart wasnt beating and his head was just nothing. It was scary but at the same time he didn't know how to feel.

Tommy was dragged downstairs haphazardly then he was in the kitchen, his heart was beating too fast and his head was full of thoughts. The feeling was familiar and almost comforting. The teen wanted to welcome it yet he didn't want to die again.

Dream would offer him more and then some more it was lonely he couldn't upset Dream today he had nowhere else to go. Eventually the dealer would decide Tommy had too much, cutting him off. George would hold the teens hand, checking his pulse regularly as a precaution but Tommy wouldn't notice.

He couldn't notice, there was nothing there in his head anymore. His thoughts weren't his own. But he knew what he wanted, he wanted to go home. Back to bed, a warm house where people would be waiting to watch a show with him or ask him about his day.

That was the home in his head.

They would pile into the car in the early hours of the morning, George was driving. Streetlights were bright as they flashed by the moon was fading slightly making way for the sun. Opening the front door all the lights were off, the tv was black.

The house was cold. So cold.


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