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Ranboo was surprised when it had happened the second time, his ripped jeans were damp with whatever had been spilt on him and in the rush that they were in the teen had completely forgotten about checking the bathroom.

Normally he would knock and wait for probably too long before entering but they hadn't and so the ratty red converse that laid over the edge of the bath tub were left unseen.
Small smoke clouds exited the tub as Ranboo rushed to get a towel.

"The towels behind the door."
A gruff and some how choked up voice answered all of their questions in one, however that didn't change the sudden shock of hearing another person's voice. Spinning around the brunette saw none other than his bathroom friend.

"Woah I didn't know you were that scared boob."
Looking down at his jeans he groaned at what Tommy was suggesting, the wet patch in his upper thigh was going to raise some questions.
"You're hilarious, some asshole spilt his drink on me."

Blue eyes fluttered as Tommy processed what Ranboo had just said,red sneakers swaying as he readjusted himself in the tub.
"Did you just swear?"
The questioned teen just stared for a moment, observing the person he was looking at, the towel in his hand long forgotten no matter how awful the material was.

Blue eyes were engulfed in a darkness, doe eyed and lost. Tommy was worse for wear his clothes were ruffled and his skin bruised, it didn't take long for Ranboo to figure out the source of the bruises when he saw where they were placed.

"I.. it. Shut up."
Tommy drew out a laugh as he took another hit of whatever he was keeping in the bath tub.
In return the brunette started rubbing at the wetness on his jeans trying to get them suitable at least. His own cup had been placed on the side long before his interaction with Tommy.

"Hey boo?"
Placing the towel down Ranboo walked over to the bath tub. It was different from the last time they had met considering it was a different house. Sapnap had decided to host as his parents were out of town for the next few weeks.

"Yeah Tom?"

Looking into the tub made something tick that wasn't ticking before. The sight of Tommy made Ranboo mood change ever so slightly as he watched the teen struggle for his words.

After their last encounter Ranboo had looked the blonde up on Instagram where he found very little on the boys page but far more on his so called friends. Tommy was seventeen, a junior in high school, more fucked than sober and in Ranboos humble opinion the teen was in desperate need for new friends.

"check.. check my pulse."
Grey eyes shot open, if he wasn't sober before they definitely were now. Slender hands reached around the blondes wrist in search for something that he wasn't sure was going to be there.
A faint beating of the blood rushing through his veins could be felt and the brunette looked up and the blonde.

"Why did you want me to do that?"
Blue eyes blinked rather sluggishly, bringing the joint up to his lips Tommy took a small but strong drag.
"Dream, hm made me try somethin earlier."
Smoke drifted out of his mouth as he spoke.


In Tommys opinion Ranboo had changed. He wasn't witty anymore and half of him wonders if something had happened to the senior, Tommy knew that talking to him was a bad idea from the get go but surely Dream couldn't have found out.

The attitude change wasn't appreciated and so in all the fuss Tommy allowed his manners to escape him aswell, "d'you want a hit?"
A short laugh escaped Ranboo as he stared at the blunt that was in between the two fingers, just as he opened his mouth to answer there was the quiet sound of someone approaching the door.

The door upstairs where no one but a select few were allowed to go.

A sharp bang was let out by the fist that collided with the door as someone knocked, "Tommy? you in there?"
Blue eyes widened slightly as the blonde flung himself into action. Running towards the window he shoved it open and dragged Ranboo towards it.

"Go, you can't be seen with me."
It was a whisper, a threat maybe a warning. The knocking on the door only got more aggressive and Ranboo couldn't find it in themselves to disagree with Tommy.

Clambering out of the window. he landed on the small roof of the kitchen before heading back in aside through the back door , Tommy close the window.

Finally unlocking the door Dream walked in. "Who were you talking to?"
Tommy went to lift the blunt up to his mouth before it was stopped by his friend.
Green eyes stared into blue as the grip on Tommys wrist tightened.

The once soft touches from a few moments ago plagued by ruthless attacks of pain. "No one, how would anyone get up here?" every syllable was either slurred or whimpered as Tommy tried and failed to remove his arm from Dreams grip.

"I don't like liars."
Tommy was dragged out of the bathroom, the teen having forgotten that Ranboos red solo cup was sat on the countertop, he's sure that it didnt go unnoticed by Dream.
"M' not lying."
The elder blonde shoved at the younger, grabbing the abandoned cup he shoved it into the teens hands. Watching expectingly.
"Well? I didn't see you pour yourself a drink?"

Fogged eyes avoided clear green. A hand grabbed his wrist and they were out of the bathroom in seconds, Ranboos cup laid on the floor of the bathroom. Whatever he was drinking was not splashed across the tiles.
"What did you take tonight?"
Dreams hand squeezed Tommys wrist in order to get a response out.

Wooden stairs seems to shift and move as they walked down them, everything waving.
"Some weed and the drink, whatever you gave m' earlier."
Music blared through the speakers in the house, everyone jumped while claiming they were dancing and no one really saw what others were doing.

Dream finally made it to the kitchen which meant that Tommy wasn't too far behind. Sapnap was the first to clock the two, waving down Dream only showing a slight bit of surprised when he saw the youngest of their friend group lagging behind.

"Tommys here and he wants a shot."
With blown pupils and unsteady feet the blonde in question tried to deny the statement but the shot was already being pushed forward by George. The shot glass was warm in his hand and it was off putting to say the least, bringing it up to his lips he tipped his head back and down it went.

Stumbling slightly he placed the glass down which Punz had to slightly move for him to do. "steady there, Dream are you sure he needed that."
For once Punz sounded worried which was weird cause Tommy felt great, a dopey smile sat on his face as he slumped against the counter after somehow finding a chair.

"It's to help with what i gave him earlier. Look at how relaxed he is."
Dream slid his hand through blonde locks as he pulled Tommys head up to show them the drugged smile on his face. George laughed and mumbled something about wanting to be that fucked up. Sapnap and Punz stayed rather quiet while looking at the blonde.

Turning on the tap Sapnap poured the teen a glass of water while the others left the kitchen in search for beer pong.
"Hey Tommy?"
All he got in reply was a short mumble, the blonde still had his head pressed against the counter top.
"Can you lift your head kid?"
Blue eyes appeared out of the mess that was blonde hair.

Finally his head was fully up and facing Sapnap, his arm crashing the weight of his head. "Whats up?"
The glass was pushed forward slightly,
"have a drink."
Tommy grimaced at the the words, knowing that it implies the burning that slides down his throat and pounding in his head tomorrow morning.

"Dream. m' don't want 'nother shot."
The brunette threaded his hands through the youngers hair as he soothed the teens whispers.
"I'm Sapnap not Dream, it's water so you don't feel like shit tomorrow."

The glass was brought up to his lips as he took timid sips. Sleep pulled at every muscle and movement, the glass clinking with the counter top and it was slightly dropped.
Sapnap took the drink away and slung his arm around Tommy.

"Let's get you to bed, sound good?"

Bathroom friendsWhere stories live. Discover now