Burning bush

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Exodus 4-6

In Exodus 4, through the burning bush,
God called out to Moses, in a holy hush.
With doubts and fears, he stood in awe,
But God assured him, He'd be his guiding law.

"Who am I?", Moses questioned with doubt,
But God replied, "I will be with you throughout.
I AM has sent you, do not fear,
Your words I will give, loud and clear."

Through signs and wonders, Moses shall show,
The power of God, His mighty flow.
The staff that turns into a serpent's might,
Proves God's authority, shining bright.

With a heart still heavy, Moses spoke,
"Why won't they listen to my words they provoke?"
But God, in His wisdom, assured him once more,
He'll harden their hearts, but His plan will come ashore.

In Exodus 6, God speaks again,
Revealing His true name, a sacred refrain.
"I am the LORD, their God I'll be,
And from oppression, I'll set them free."

To Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, He swore,
The land of Canaan, their descendants will explore.
With signs and wonders, a promise proclaimed,
God's faithfulness forever unshamed.

Moses, chosen vessel, led the way,
With Aaron as his spokesman, come what may.
Together they faced Pharaoh's stubborn heart,
Demanding freedom for the Israelite part.

Through the plagues that came, God's power shown,
His supremacy over all, widely known.
Yet Pharaoh's heart was still hardened, unyielding,
God's glory and freedom, he was not willing.

In Exodus 4-6, we witness the start,
Of a journey towards freedom, in God's faithful heart.
With Moses as their leader, chosen and true,
The Israelites trusted, their doubts they withdrew.

May this story of faith, inspire us today,
To trust in God's plan, to never dismay.
For in His promises, we find our hope,
Leading us to freedom on life's challenging slope.

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