the volleyball fall

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The room was enveloped in an almost suffocating silence, broken only by the occasional rustling of paper and the soft clicking of pens. It was a familiar scene in the exam hall, where the tension hung thick in the air, and the stress of the test weighed heavily on everyone present.

Some students nervously tapped their feet, their legs shaking with anxious energy. Others leaned in closer to their desks, their brows furrowed in concentration as they grappled with the challenging questions before them. The collective anxiety in the room was palpable, a shared experience that students had come to expect in these high-stakes moments.

The exam hall, with its rows of students hunched over their papers, presented a snapshot of academic pressure and determination. It was a place where time seemed to slow down, and the outcome of hours of preparation and hard work hung in the balance.

Math had always been my nemesis, but here I was, nailing nearly every question on the test. I briefly looked away from my paper and checked the wall clock. To my surprise, I had over an hour left before the bell would ring. The feeling was a mix of relief and a bit of smug confidence. Maybe, just maybe, I was getting the hang of this math thing.

Normally, by this point in the exam, Henry would have already completed his paper. However, when I discreetly stole a glance at him, I couldn't help but notice a look of perplexity and stress etched across his face. It was a surprising sight, given his usual air of confidence and competence.

I focused my attention back on finishing my paper, determined to make the most of the extra time. But within a matter of minutes, my pen came to a halt, and I knew I had done all I could. I stood up, collected my exam paper, and walked over to submit it.

I returned to my desk, I quickly gathered my scattered stationery and then glanced over at Henry, who appeared increasingly stressed. With a sigh, I headed out of the room, leaving behind the tense atmosphere of the exam hall.

Exam days had typically seen me hanging out with a group of friends, celebrating the end of the ordeal after completing the test. But on this particular day, there was an inexplicable compulsion that made me wait, lingering in the hallway, for Henry. It was a departure from the norm, leaving me pondering the reasons behind this unexpected change in my routine.

I leaned against the wall outside the exam room, tapping my foot impatiently as the minutes ticked by. Henry was taking longer than usual to emerge from the test. Instead, my wait was interrupted by the arrival of two familiar girls who had also completed the exam.

One of the girls, a sly grin on her face, couldn't resist the opportunity to engage in some playful flirting. We were already acquainted, which made her advances more light-hearted than serious.

"Hey Alex," she greeted with a teasing glint in her eye, her tone dripping with playful banter, "Could you do me a favor? Can you set me up with the prince?"

My eyebrow arched higher at her audacious request, and I couldn't help but feel perplexed. "You want me to set you up with Henry?" I asked, my tone laced with intrigue.

She met my gaze with a playful glint in her eye, clearly enjoying the surprise she had sprung on me. "Why not?" she replied, her voice lowering slightly, "I've heard he's quite the catch. But just in case things don't work out with Henry..." She leaned in a little closer, her lips curling into a suggestive smile, "'ve got my number. Maybe you and I—"

Her words sent a surge of heat through the air, and I couldn't deny the allure of her proposition. Yet, my primary concern remained Henry, and I found myself wanting her to leave so I could resume my wait for him.

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