7. The Engagement party

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LAUREN Looked at Colby as the two of them got ready "I can't believe today is celebrating us!" Lauren said smiling, colby smiled as he kissed her forehead "I'm so happy Laur

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LAUREN Looked at Colby as the two of them got ready "I can't believe today is celebrating us!" Lauren said smiling, colby smiled as he kissed her forehead "I'm so happy Laur." Colby said, Lauren smiled and the two of them made their way downstairs.

Kat and Sam Met them at the bottom of the stairs "are y'all ready?" Sam asked "to have the Best party of your lives!" He said happy, Sam was excited because his best friends were getting married, they were the best people he knew and they were actually going to settle down and get married and Sam couldn't be more excited.

Lauren and Colby laughed as they intertwined their fingers with one another's making their way out the door with Sam and kat, they were going to the club to meet up with some other friends, Mainly Jake, Tara, Corey, Seth and Josh, Lauren had met them all multiple times throughout her years of being friends with Sam and Colby but she couldn't believe today they were celebrating her and Colby.

Colby was beyond happy never in his life did he think he'd wound up with the girl of his dreams, his crush for years, he was marrying the love of his life and he couldn't be happier, he never saw himself as a husband until he got with Lauren, everything changed from there, The day Lauren became his girlfriend was the day everything changed in his life and Colby was so happy to be doing life with her by his side.

As they arrived at the club, Lauren felt a wave of Anxiety come over her, she began to realize that she didn't fully know everyone, she knew Colby, sam and Kat the best she met everyone else but she didn't know them the way she knew the three of them, and Lauren began to panic, Sam quickly noticed this and pulled her off to the side "are you okay?" Sam asked as he placed a comforting hand onto her back.

"It's just I don't know them well, what if they don't actually like me? What if they're like the toxic fans were and they truly hate me? What if they think colby deserves someone better?" Lauren asked her voice cracking a little as her eyes welled with tears.

"Woah hey Lauren Look at me, you're my best friend, as is he, I've seen the way you guys have looked at each other for years, trust me your perfect for one another, don't stress it. They're gonna love you!" Sam said.

Lauren took a deep breathe "yeah, yeah your probably right I'm freaking out for no reason." Lauren said "I wouldn't say that, you've had a hard time making friends and it's scared you, you're scared no one will like you due to the toxic fans and to be honest I can't blame you." Sam said as he pulled Lauren into a hug.

The two of them walked inside and Lauren's eyes instantly lit up, when she saw the way things were done she knew Sam and Kat had tipped off the bartender about the event, Lauren made her way to Colby who instantly put his arm around her shoulder "are you okay?" He whispered the music was loud enough for no one else to hear him, Lauren smiled and nodded "I was just scared no one will like me but yeah I'm okay." Lauren said.

Colby took Lauren's hand "They love you, they've always wanted me with you Laur, you have absolutely nothing to worry about, I promise You have nothing to worry about my love." Colby said as he looked into her eyes, Lauren smiled as Colby leaned in locking his lips with hers.

Lauren smiled kissing Colby back as the party started, drinks were passed around and Colby and Lauren drank, danced and enjoyed the party with their friends and family, Lauren was so happy and she couldn't believe she was getting to marry the love of her life, Colby was so in love that he was glowing.

After the party Lauren, Sam Colby and kat all headed back to the house, once at the house Colby pulled Lauren aside "Are you sure your okay?" He asked worriedly "I'm drunk but I'm fine." Lauren said meeting his eyes "You were acting weird all night, which is why I asked, I don't want you thinking no one likes you Laur." Colby said as he Took her hand.

Lauren smiled and looked at Colby "stop worrying I'm fine, everyone proved they like me, The alcohol made me feel sick that's the only thing that's wrong with me, I just need to sleep it off, I promise I'm okay." Lauren said hugging Colby.

Colby and Lauren headed up to bed, Lauren showered and then Colby showered, Lauren changed into one of Colby's T shirts and Then she got into the bed, Colby joined Lauren and the two of them talked "today was amazing wasn't it?" Colby asked "it was, I enjoyed it, it was nice but it's even better knowing I get to marry you, the love of my life, the best thing to ever happen to me, I don't know what I'd do without you Colbs." Lauren said as she laid her head on his shoulder.

Colby smiled and kissed her forehead "you're by far the best thing to ever happen to me Lauren." Colby said as he held her in his arms, the two of them kept talking and then finally Lauren dozed off in Colby's arms, he admired her as she slept.

Colby too had finally dozed off, His kind races did a while over how their wedding would go, he wanted everything to be perfect for Lauren, he knew Sam Was walking her down the isle to him because Sam was the only other person she had, sam was also the best man so he would have a huge role in their wedding, Colby was just so happy to know he'd be marrying the love of his life.

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