We are fifteen

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A/N: Hi, guys. It's chapter three. I promise to make this one a long one. I kinda just came to where the real story begins. The poster above is an artistic picture of Princess from my friend. Chapter one and two were just intro's to the main characters. Please, enjoy and vote!!💙💙


The two best friends walked side by side, smiling, not caring about any boy that gawked at them.
Princess's hair was done in a high and simple, but still cute pony tail. It had grown really long, hanging to her waist. Her eyes looked same from her child hood. Bright, enchanting, and blue.
Ruby, had cropped her hair and dyed the tips red. It was still long, but was cropped in such a way the tips were straight. Her red eyes still held the compassion and kindness people loved, but we're still beware that all that disappeared when she was angry. Princess, on the other hand was just naturally bitchy. But angry, she was a beast.

Ruby's POV.

Another peaceful day with my bestie in the park waiting for the limo to come take us to Princess's house so I could spend another day surrounded by blue. Princess was:
Blue obsessed
Lips obsessed
Lipgloss obsessed (the one above explains this)
Reading obsessed
And loved to have fun. I really admire her. She's confident and kind hearted and really cute. But all of this VANISHES when she's mad. I have literally witnessed Princess toss someone over a bridge when the person said her dad's hotel neoseates him. Ordinarily, she wouldn't have been mad, but the idiot, added that her mom uses her make up to not just cover her ugliness, but the family's..... I'm not gonna say the word.

Princess was also very lucky to have the most amazing brother in the world. Well, actually, her cousin. But they were really close, and were both only children just like me. So they practically had this sibling bond.

She wore her long full black hair in a high ponytail, her customized designer Crocs were simple, yet beautiful, and of course, blue. She wore a royal blue crop hoodie and black ripped bum shorts. Her cute little lips were shiny with contour beauty diamond lipgloss. Her blue eyes reminded me of sapphires in a bowl of water. The way they lit up.

My stare was interupted by three cars parking beside is. Two men dropped from the limo behind and took our bags, then we entered the limo.

"Hey, Princess?"

"Yh? I'm alive " She replied, taking her eyes off her phone.

"Where was Leo?"

"At the park."

"Princess, he wasn't there."

"What? How?"

"We left the park an hour ago, and he's not in your dad's office yet. So call and check on him."

"Marcia. I'm your best friend. I need you to be very honest with me right now. No secrets. Do you like my cousin, Leo?"

I coughed and sputtered. Princess always had a very wild mind. But ME??!! In love with LEO?!?! No possible way in hell!

"Hell, no!! What the fuck would make you think that?"

"Your constant worry."

"Princess, I'm worrying now, so you won't worry later. And your worry comes with chewing your nails, throwing pillows and gulping down apple juice. No offense. Leo has beautiful brown eyes that someone out there would appreciate one day. But those are NOT the eyes I want to stare into and say I love you. You know my ideal guy! The blond hair, the green eyes, and the absolutely no relationship with my bestie. So, NO."

"Quite a speech. I think I'll put that in mind."

"Bitch, you better."

"Ordinarily, having a best friend is a gift. But with you, it's horrible torture. I have to memorize everything about your life. Your full name. Your birthday which I forgot for one day and then you locked me out of my room. You favourite animal. Favourite place. Your favorite shoe. Your favourite food. Your number of siblings."

"I don't HAVE siblings!"

"And the most difficult to remember, YOUR FAVOURITE COLOR!!"


Princess shrugged, murmuring that I had no idea how difficult it was being a best friend. I sunk my nails into my scalp. Princess was a lost cause. Once she turned on 'im a phychopath mode', everything and everyone around her bit their own tongues in frustration. She looked at me and smiled. I couldn't help but laugh. Whether it was cause of her face, or because I was just overwhelmed with the joy of having someone who stuck. Someone who was there forever...

Princess's POV

I love it when Marcia gets that look. That frustrated look when I act totally dumb. And then her cute laughter when I then send her a smile.

Marcia was the best. Her loveliness, her generosity, her kindness, her jokes, and her happiness. It was all contagious. And her lips are just perfect for advertising lipgloss. The courage to dye her hair. That, I admired. I would've done same cause I have mum and dads permission, but I'm just so scared the chemicals will go wrong on my hair
And my hair alone.

Marcia also had the book smarts when comparing both of us, and she was always available when needed.

As I smiled at her, I heared a loud screech and then screaming. I saw the driver swerve quickly. What was happening?
Marcia and I looked out the window. There was an accident. It was bad. Another car that had also taken a sharp turn and then hit ours. I wanted to scream. Just before I felt my body jolt backwards and then I hit my head. The pain was so much, I could only feel numb. Everything was brurry. I saw Marcia. The glass her head had shattered was all over her.
No...no. Marcia...

This was horrible. As I reached out to touch her cheek, darkness engulfed me...

A/N: Sorry about the early tragedy. How did I do with the length of the chapter?
Please comment. Also, I have readers who aren't commenting or voting. Please do. I need your support to keep this going.
This chapter is dedicated to Ssugalova. She will know why...
See you guys next chapter! I'll update as soon as possible.💙💙💙

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