11. Pandemonium

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Jungkook was the first person on the scene and he moved faster than Jimin thought he had ever seen him move, tearing the soggy shower curtain off of Yoongi. But he, Jimin, and everyone else once again gathering in the doorway froze in horror at the sight. Jimin's eyes roved over Yoongi's heavily scarred body, all the way up to the tendrils of orange-red flowing from his head, curling through the soap-clouded water.

It wasn't a huge deal—but wasn't it?—it looked like Yoongi had simply lost his footing trying to get out of the bath. He must have pulled the shower curtain down on top of him on the way down. And hit his head. And fallen unconscious.

Jimin was pretty sure it was a literal miracle that Yoongi's face had stayed above the water.

To everyone's surprise (including his own, if the look of panic on his face was anything to go on), Hoseok was the one to step up and take charge of the situation. He knelt in front of the tub and held his hand in front of Yoongi's nose, relaxing slightly when tiny puffs of air hit his palm.

"He's breathing," Hoseok said, and the fact that that was a relief was equal parts gut-wrenching and terrifying. "Yoongi?" Hoseok said a little louder than he needed or probably meant to. "Yoongi, can you hear me?"

When there was no response, Hoseok set his jaw and immediately started giving orders. "Jungkook, go find the first-aid kit; I think it's still in the kitchen. Seokjin, find a flashlight. Taehyung, bring me a dose of aspirin. Namjoon, get some more towels and get Yoongi some fresh clothes. Why is no one moving? Go!"

"What about me?" Jimin asked while Hoseok washed his hands.

"Just a sec..." Hoseok dried his hands and crouched back down. He seemed to be examining Yoongi's position. "Okay. You, come here. Get in the tub behind him. His neck isn't broken but try not to move his head around too much. Go ahead and brace his neck on your shoulder. Now hold his head—yes, good. Okay, now hug him—yes, just like that. Exactly. Now don't move."

"Why?" Jimin asked as he followed the instructions, repressing a shudder as his—no, shit, Seokjin's—clothes were soaked with bloody water. At least the bath was mostly empty by then.

"I have to find the source of the bleeding, figure out how bad the concussion is, and see if he needs to go to the hospital or if he can wait until the doctor gets here in the morning. To do that, I have to touch him, and if he wakes up and tries to fight me, he'll just end up hurting himself worse. I need you to keep him still."

Yoongi stirred at that.

He had been able to hear the whole time, but his ears were ringing and everything sounded far away, muffled, like his head was in a bubble. Then, loud and clear, he heard the words, 'keep him still'. Was someone going to hold him down? He felt hands, arms around his body. His head hurt. What was going on? Was he being punished? What had he done wrong? He felt sick—what if he threw up on whoever was holding him? Would the punishment be worse? God, his head hurt. Why did his head hurt?

"Okay, it looks like he's waking up. Talk to him. Keep him calm but don't let him fall back asleep. No, don't move, remember to keep his neck still—yes. Just stay like that."

Yoongi slowly blinked his eyes open but then shut them tight, wincing at the light. Had the bathroom always been this bright? And cold, for that matter, he was fucking freezing—but he was still in the bathroom, wasn't he? Someone was talking to him but he couldn't make out what they were saying. The voice sounded loud, but somehow also quiet, a low murmur directly against his ear. Someone was touching him. He couldn't move. Why couldn't he move?

Somewhere in the back of his mind, Yoongi remembered being in the bathroom with Jimin, though he couldn't recall why. Where was Jimin, anyway? Jimin could make this better. Jimin always made things better. Yoongi tried calling for him but his lips wouldn't move the way he wanted them to and his tongue was heavy in his mouth, and all he managed was a weak moan.

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