21. Consequences

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Author's Note: I know I did a trigger warning at the beginning of the story but I feel the need to add another one.

Warning: kidnapping, mentioned child endangerment, swearing, presence of a gun and threats of gun violence, graphic threats of torture/mutilation, physical and mental torture including electrocution, a beating, and forced oral sex. Creepy shit here guys. I warned you at the beginning that this version of the story was going to be more graphic than the last. Lee Daejung is a monster. This chapter as well as the next two go to an extremely dark place. On Ao3 I have this story tagged as Dead Dove: Do Not Eat. So do not eat the dead fucking dove. This story is marked as explicit. If you decide to continue reading, that's on you.

Yoongi was the first one inside the van. He had no idea how—normally, the three youngest band members were a force to be reckoned with when it came to getting the best seats—but he wasn't complaining. He slid into the far left seat in the middle row, two seats behind the driver, and leaned the side of his forehead against the window. He wasn't sweating much, having washed up and changed his clothes after the light but long exercise he'd done, but after going from a hot shower to a humid locker room and then outside to an unusually mild early-December evening, he was uncomfortably clammy and he let out a soft, satisfied sigh at the feeling of the cool glass on his skin.

Suddenly, the driver started the van.

"Oh, um, the others aren't here yet, ma'am. It-it's just me," Yoongi told her, stubbornly fighting down a wave of panic.

He refused to become any more paranoid than he already was. Mrs. Seo had gotten him and his band mates to the company building safely. She would get them home safely. It was her job. She was their driver. All of their drivers had clean background checks. He was safe...right?

Right. Yes. Yoongi was safe. He was fine.He just didn't want the nice grandma to drive off without the rest of the group just because he'd happened to get there a few minutes early, that's all. He expected her to laugh off her mistake, to turn off the van and maybe make a humorous remark about getting old.

Instead, she released the parking brake.

Goosebumps erupted across Yoongi's skin. The nagging feeling he'd been so quick before to dismiss as paranoia made itself known again, telling him something was very, very wrong.

He got out his phone, preparing to call one of the bodyguards the group had brought with them. Where were the bodyguards, anyway?

"Ma'am, the others aren't here yet," he said again, wanting to give the elderly driver the benefit of the doubt in case she hadn't heard him properly the first time. He still got no response. If this was some kind of joke, it wasn't fucking funny. They were almost out of the parking lot and he was having trouble breathing evenly. "Ma'am, what are you—where are we going?"

"I'm sorry," Mrs. Seo said, and then she pulled into traffic with a hard right turn that knocked Yoongi into the window, jostling him enough to bruise his shoulder and send his phone flying out of his hand.

"Ow! What the—" Yoongi cut himself off at the feeling of something cold pressing into the back of his neck, and he froze when he realized what it was. "No,"he breathed.

"I'm sorry," Mrs. Seo said again, her watery eyes making contact with Yoongi's in the rearview mirror. "He has my granddaughter. Sh-she's only two years old, I had no other...I'm so sorry."

"Enough," said the man with the gun. And there was no mistaking that cruel voice.

Yoongi didn't have space in his head to think about how his former (well, now, current, he supposed) captor had managed to escape police custody. He was too focused on staying alive.

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