23. We All Fall Down

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TRIGGER WARNING:  gun violence, blood and gore, violence, self-hatred, vague references to the rape/non-con in the previous chapter, police presence, ambulance/hospital setting, suicidal ideation and talk of death, panic attacks, swearing

Sir straightened his arm to take aim and clicked the safety off, and for a split second, Yoongi's mind went blank with panic. He was certain there was nothing he could do, that the loves of his life were going to die.

But then, before he even realized it, he was moving.

Adrenaline was a more powerful force than he had ever imagined. He didn't think. He just did.

He leapt out of Seokjin's arms and charged at Sir with a primal scream of protective rage, tackling him to the floor with such speed that the man only managed one poorly-aimed shot before the gun was knocked from his hand. The weapon clattered to the ground a few feet away and Sir started to reach for it, but Yoongi pushed himself back onto his feet and stomped his whole weight down on the man's hand, then his head.

Yoongi didn't know where he'd summoned all of this energy from and he didn't care. All he knew was that it was there and everything was finally going to end. He was going to end it himself.

He straddled Sir's chest and started pummeling his face and neck, punching Sir just as ruthlessly as the man had done to him so many times mere months, hours, minutes prior. Yoongi might still have been screaming but he couldn't be sure. Everything around him had faded away. The shouting, the sirens outside, even the grunts of his captor—no, his victim—as he was beaten to a bloody pulp, all of it was drowned out in the pounding of Yoongi's heartbeat in his ears.

Yoongi felt his strength ebbing, probably sooner and faster than it should. Adrenaline could only get him so far, after all, and he distantly remembered that, oh yeah, he was injured. Still, he carried on all the same, relishing every crunch of bone and cartilage beneath his fists.

For a moment, just a moment, Yoongi turned into a monster.

And he didn't know if he should be scared by how fucking good it felt.

Yoongi only stopped when Sir's—when Lee's breath came in shallow, uneven gasps, and even then it was only because he was physically lifted off the man from behind. But despite knowing he'd never be satisfied until he felt Lee stop breathing entirely, Yoongi didn't bother trying to escape the policeman's hold like he'd done with Seokjin. He knew it was over.

It was only after he was placed back on his feet that the words of those around him registered in Yoongi's mind. He had heard it but he hadn't been able to comprehend it until then. There had been gasps and frightened sobbing, someone had shouted, "Gun!" and then there had been lots of talk about severe injuries and internal bleeding.

Still, Yoongi could hardly pay attention to any of that. He looked into the dimming eyes of the man who had done so much damage to him and his family, and he grinned through the blood in his teeth.

"I did it," he snarled. His (sprained? Fractured?) hand twitched at his side but he would not punish himself. Not for this. "I won."

"Oh my God..." someone whispered. Yoongi turned to see six tearful faces gaping at him in shock or horror or both. Judging by the new stinking puddle next to him, Hoseok had evidently lost his battle with nausea sometime during Yoongi's taste of revenge. Jungkook was leaning heavily against a very pale Seokjin, looking close to fainting. Yoongi couldn't tell who had spoken until Taehyung continued, "What did you do?"

"What did I—what? What-what are you talking about?" Yoongi asked incredulously, still winded and now staggering slightly on his feet. He shook his head in confusion. Hadn't Taehyung heard him? "I won. I saved us! I-I saved you! I beat him at his own...a-at his own twisted...game..." He trailed off as the battle high began to fade.

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