Chapter 8

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"Please. Enjoy." Tolkien's tone was friendly and clear. Clyde had never heard him speak like this. His stage voice was so different from his normal talking voice.

A slow, jazzy beat begins to play over the speaker. A group of girls in the front row scream as loud as they can. It's so loud Clyde can't help but wonder if they just destroyed their vocal cords with that scream.

His eyes remain locked on Tolkien.

When Tolkiens voice starts, it floats through Clyde's ears like caramel. It's so much deeper and smoother than he has ever heard someone sing.

Above all, he was smiling. His perfect, white teeth shine like silk. Clyde wanted a picture of that smile to hang up like a prized painting.

Clyde was so lost in thought that when the chorus starts, he almost falls out of his seat.

He's sure a few more songs are sung, but his brain isn't functioning well enough to comprehend anything other than the sight of Tolkien.

The music stops and screams erupt all around Clyde. He stood up with everyone and clapped as loudly as he could.

Tolkien smiles. "Thank you! Have a good night!"

Clyde's eyes are glued to Tolkien until he steps behind the curtain and out of sight.

"Earth to Clyde?" Craig flicks Clyde's shoulder a few times.

"Oh. Hi."

"Uh... are you coming with or are you going to stare at the stage all night?"

"Sure." Clyde stares ahead.

Tweek and Craig exchange a knowing look. "Come on, lover boy."

"Uh huh..."

Craig pulls Clyde out of the auditorium. In the chilly night time air, Clyde regains his senses.

"That was so good..."

"What did Tweek tell you? He's good at singing."

"Better than good. How does a guy like that not have any friends?"

"We told you, he just pushes people away. No one knows why."

"EEK! It's him!!" A group of girls runs by where Tolkien and his parents have come out to get home.

Clyde hides behind Craig to stay out of sight.

"Tolkien! Tolkien! That was soooo coooool!!! Your voice gets better every time!"

Tolkien smiles. "Thanks. It's late, get home safe, girls." With that, he gets into a Tesla and zooms off.


Clyde lies in his bed. He can't wrap his head around everything that had happened.

His phone buzzes. Clyde almost falls off his bed when he sees who it's from.

Tolkien: Did you end up doing any homework?

Clyde: haha, I tried but math is too hard :((

Tolkien: don't forget, ethics homework is due tomorrow.

Clyde: no... that's not until the 5th.

Tolkien: it's the 4th right now.

Clyde: ...

Tolkien: you forgot.

Clyde: fuck

Tolkien: lmaooo

Clyde: not funny!

Tolkien: I'll send a pdf of the answers. It was just a test review so you can copy. Just make it look a bit different

Clyde: what's got you being so nice?

Tolkien: I don't have to send it.

Clyde: please send!!!

Tolkien: *attachment* there.

Clyde: thank you!

Tolkien: no problem.

Tolkien: also...

Tolkien: goodnight

Clyde: goodnight!! 🌙

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