Chapter 43

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Craig sits on the curb of the sidewalk with his hands clasped in front of him. He kept telling himself that his boyfriend and his best friend were going to be okay. They had to be. They were all he had.

"Hey, come inside. I need to fill you in on something." Tolkien calls out to Craig.

Craig moves slow, clearly going through a million thoughts at once.

They step inside, away from the police investigating the scene.

"I gave my dad a call." Tolkien whispers. "He's hiring the best... 'private investigator' in the state."

"What does that mean?" Craig asks, not looking up from the ground.

"You can buy anything with enough money. These guys are supposed to be like human bloodhounds. They're going to find Tweek and Clyde. Trust me."

"I can't."

"... I know it's hard but... it's the best we can do right now."

"Fine. Keep me updated, I'm going to see if I can find a way to track Tweeks phone."

"Good idea. Let me know if you find anything."

"I'm... gonna go."


Craig walks out of the building and toward Tweeks house.

Once the door to the outside closes behind Craig, Tolkien falls back against the wall and slides down to the floor.

He takes a shaky breath and looks at his hands. He's never seen them tremble so much.

"God damn it... Clyde, please be okay..."

A whole day passes. Neither Tolkien nor Craig get any sleep. The private investigator Tolkiens dad hired searches the outskirts of the town and the police follow traffic camera leads.

Tolkien is updated every time they find something, but after a day, he was starting to lose hope.

He stares at police routes and sightings for suspicious vans.

"... this is all my fault... I should've just shut him out... he might... die... because of me..."

He couldn't stand the thought of losing the one person that ever made him feel truly loved. The one person he ever felt love for.

"Clyde... please..." he cries quietly.


"No... we're gonna die! They're going to kill us!" Tweek twitches with anxiety.

"Hey. Dude, look at me." Clyde grabs his shoulders. "We are going to be alright. They're not going to kill us."

"How can you be so sure?!"

"I have faith in Tolkien and Craig. I bet they're working non stop to find us. The police are probably looking too."

"The police suck though!"

"Tolkien most likely hired someone. You can buy anything with enough money."

Tweek looks down and the makeshift bandage Clyde make out of a piece of his shirt to patch up Tweeks gunshot wound. His leg didn't hurt as much but he still couldn't walk. "I miss Craig... he's probably so worried..."

"I'm sure they both are, which is why they'll find us. I know they will." Clyde smiles painfully. "Plus, I still have to thank Tolkien for that performance. I still need to tell him how much I love him."

"Right... is there anything we can do from in here?"

Clyde looks around the rusty cargo container they're being kept in. "Maybe..."

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