Chapter 27

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"Ok Tolkien... he needs you. At least until he's better I need to be there for him." Tolkien says to himself after Tweek and Craig leave.

Tolkien slowly opens the door. Clyde is sitting upright with his hands on his lap. "Hey, Tolkien. Thanks for getting me water."

Tolkien hands Clyde the glass of water. "No problem."

"And... thanks for saving me..."

"Don't worry about it. I would have done the same for anyone else."

Clyde knew this was a lie.

"Uh, Clyde, There is a medicated wrap on your back. Y'know, for the cuts and stuff."


"The doctor says I need to change it once a day... Do you mind if..." Tolkien trails off.

"Oh, I didn't even notice. Yeah we can do that now."

Tolkien closes the curtains. "Let me help you with your shirt. He put a button up on you so it would be easier to get off without much trouble for you but I still don't want you moving around too much."


Tolkien starts from the top and works his way down through each button of Clyde's shirt. Neither of them says a word. Tolkien sees Clyde's chest moving up and down and Clyde focuses on Tolkiens big hands almost touching his skin.

Once all the buttons are undone Tolkien slowly slides the shirt open. He hadn't seen Clyde's bare chest before, his collarbones were very pronounced and his skin was like porcelain.

He couldn't stop thinking about how good his dark hands would look on Clyde's skin.

"Can you lay on your stomach? That'll probably be the most comfortable. I don't really know how long this is going to take..."

Clyde slowly shifts around, trying not to move too much and hurt himself. He clenches his jaw. It was clear that moving was incredibly painful for him.

"I should've killed those assholes..." Tolkien mutters.

Clyde settled onto his stomach. "You did the right thing. I'd rather they get locked up then you go to jail for murder."

"But going to jail isn't enough. Look what they did to you..."



"I'm okay, really... I had you to save me. I'm actually kind of grateful."

"Why are you grateful?"

"I thought I'd never see you again... I guess this pain isn't nearly as bad as how I felt when I thought we were perfect strangers again."

A sharp pain hits Tolkien. "I'm sorry..." he starts removing the bandage.

"I understand why you avoided me, that whole situation was fucked up."

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen..."

"Me neither..."

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