Chapter 9

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Linda: Hello, Clyde? How is it going so far? Check your bank account. ;) I gave you a bonus. Tolkiens birthday is next week!

Clyde quickly opens his banking app. 700 dollars has been added to his account. 300 for each week so far, and an extra 100 he can only assume he's supposed to spend on Tolkien for his birthday.

"What do you even get a rich person..? He could have anything he wants..." Clyde brainstorms for a solid ten minutes before giving up and watching YouTube.


Tolkiens birthday falls on a Tuesday, which worked out perfectly for Clyde. He hadn't gotten a gift for Tolkien. He realized he didn't know anything about him. He still had a plan though.

"Tolkien!" Clyde catches up right before Tolkien leaves the building.

"Oh? What do you need?"



"Pleeeease? I have a project tonight but I'm so fucking tired. You don't even need to buy anything I just need the company..."

"I'm busy."

Clyde had checked with Tolkiens mom, he knew he was not busy.

"Please? It'll just be a minute."

Clyde holds Tolkiens arm and smiles as innocently as he can.

Tolkien sighs. "Fine. Just for a bit."

"Yes! Thank you, lamppo-"

Tolkien slaps a hand over Clyde's mouth. "Not. In. Public."

Clyde nods and licks Tolkiens hand over his mouth.

Tolkien pulls back. "Gross."

"Your fault for leaving your hand there for so long. Also, your hands are very smooth."

"...It's shea butter." Tolkien looks away.

"Oh? Where do you get it?"

"I make it myself."

"So is that what you're always running off to do?"

Tolkien smiles very slightly. "One of the things, I guess."

"Veeeery mysterious." Clyde teases.

"Oh, shut up. Come on, we are here. You choose where we sit."

Clyde leads Tolkien to the back of the cafe. A table that was a bit more secluded. It's out of sight so most people don't even look for it or know it's there. Clyde had done his research.

"Why this one? Isn't it a bit big for just two people?" Tolkien hesitates as he sits in the booth.

"But it's secluded. I've noticed you prefer that."

"I guess I do..."

"Why is that?"


"It's okay. You don't have to share. Just sit! There's a new menu item I wanna try!"

"New menu item? I was here yesterday and they didn't-"

"I-it just came out today!"


"If you're nice to me maybe I'll let you try some." Clyde smiles teasingly.

"I'll just order my own."

"Wait! No don't!"


"I'll share. It's too big for one person anyway."

An employee walks over and sets a white box in front of Clyde, along with the coffee Tolkien always orders.

Tolkien picks up the coffee. "I didn't even order yet..."

Clyde smiles. "Open the box!"

"What's in it?"

"Hey, lamppost, would I have asked you to open the box if I was just going to tell you."

Tolkien rolls his eyes and slowly opens the box.

A round purple cake with berries decorating the edges. In the middle it says "Happy birthday, Tolkien!" Right next to a frosting picture of a lamppost.

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