Chapter 20

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Clyde closes his eyes and catches his breath. When he opens them again, Tolkien is re-buttoning his white shirt.

"So, Clyde. How was that?" Tolkien asks, not looking at him.

"So good..."

"Cool. Glad you were awake for it."

"Shut up!"

Tolkien laughs. "I'm joking. It was nice though. I've never done that."

Clyde sits up. "Have you really never made use of that lamppost down there?"

"No. Also, just to make sure we're on the same page. Am I the lamppost or is my dick the lamppost."

"I THOUGHT you were, but that thing really is just like one."

"I'm sooooo glad the conversation has moved to the topic of my dick."

"If I had one like that I would talk about it a lot."

"Whatever you say man. Was this all you wanted to talk to me about? About last night I mean."

"Yeah, but I just got an HBO max subscription... we could watch something on my laptop..."

"I have a movie theatre in my basement."

"Oh, then let's just- WAIT, A WHAT?"

"Theatre. We can watch on a plasma flat screen TV. Much more comfortable seating and there's snacks."

Clyde blinks a few times. "H- he's insane..."

"I can hear you. I'm not insane, just well off."

"Are you a millionaire?!"

"No. Just well off."

"In more ways than one..."


"Sorry. Yeah, let's go to your house. I'm excited to see how the other half lives."

"Wipe my cum off your face."

Clyde feels his face get red hot. He quickly grabs a tissue and cleans himself up.

Tolkien smiles. "It looked good on you."

"Literally never speak again." Clyde responds quickly.

Tolkien shrugs and opens the door, holding it for Clyde. "How about we stop by that pastry shop and get some snacks first? I know you liked them."

Clyde's heart beats louder and louder. Was Tolkien seriously being this nice to him?

"You remembered that I liked those?"

"Yeah. You kept bringing them up, and I pay attention."

"Yeah... you do..."

"Sweets then?"

Clyde smiles and walks out the door. "You're paying, rich boy."

Tolkien follows. "I'll take care of you."


"I'll take care of it. The bill. I'm saying I'll buy."

"Oh... right okay."

They walk down the sidewalks of their quiet town and talk about random things. It didn't matter what the subject was, they both just enjoyed talking to each other.

"Have you really never seen it?" Tolkien walks with his hands in his pockets, he's looking up at the electric wires above them.

"I've seen stuff like it I think?"

"Jojo Rabbit, It's one of my favorites."

"Literally never heard of it."

"Then maybe that's what we watch? It will be fun. I'll spoil you with sweets and in return you watch this movie."

"Haha, that works for me!" Clyde smiles.

Tolkien turns to him and sees him shivering. "It's cold, huh?"


Tolkien steps closer to Clyde as they walk. He gently brushes his hand against Clyde's. Then their fingers slowly interlock.

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