Chapter 42

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"I told you I'd get you back for ruining my life, rich boy. I told you I'd kill your plaything. You surely saw this coming so I won't paint it up too much. No money can save him, no amount of police, nothing. This is your fault, I'll make sure he suffers on your behalf.
P.S- we got the blondie too. Pardon us for spilling his blood before we left."

The letter falls so the ground. Tolkien takes a step back. "No..."

Tolkien stares with his eyes wide as Craig reads the letter. He calmly places it back in the envelope and puts the envelope on the ground where they found it.


Tolkien jumps at the sudden noise. "He- they took him- they-"

"Tolkien, look at me." Craig says in a voice far too calm for the situation.

He slowly tilts his head slightly down to Craig's eye level. "I'm so sorry-"

"Shut up."

Tolkien closes his mouth and looks back at the ground.

"Get it together. You may want to give up right now but I don't. The only person I've ever truly loved is in danger so instead of being a little bitch, I'm going to find him. Are you with me or not?"

"Yeah- but what if it's too late? What if he already-"

"Say one more word and I'll knock you out. Tweek wouldn't go down easy and I doubt Clyde would either. I have faith in my boyfriend, try to do the same for yours."

Two police cars pull into the parking lot. They immediately start questioning the boys and gathering evidence. Once they finish asking questions they move to try and find security camera footage of the parking lot.

A man comes back with a high tech laptop. "I'll need you boys to tell me if these are the two people you told us about. This is evidence and I must warn you it's not pretty. We just need a positive ID."

They both nod and watch the screen. The scene unfolds, the car pulls up, Davis steps out, Clyde calls for help, Davis pulls out a gun, and Tweek falls to the ground.

"Well? Is that them?"

Tolkien nods and looks at Craig. This was the first time Tolkien could see how upset Craig was. He was good at hiding it but in that moment nothing could stop him from feeling absolute fear. His jaw clenched and he was staring at the screen, his mind too loud to hear what the officer asked.


He snaps out of his daze. When he speaks his voice is trembling. "Yeah. That's Tweek Tweak."

He looks back down at the puddle and puts a hand over his mouth. He felt dizzy, he felt hopeless. He didn't know where Tweek was or if he was alive. He did know that he had been shot.

Tolkien takes out his phone and shakily types in his dads phone number.

"Hey, dad. I need a favor."

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