Chapter 25

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"... ... AAAAHH! AHH- NOO!" Clyde springs up from Tolkiens king sized guest bed. He is screaming and hyperventilating. The medicated cloth over his left eye falls into his lap as he starts looking around frantically.

"Hey! Hey!! Clyde, it's me!" Tolkien grabs Clyde's shoulders.

"GET OFF! Don't hurt me oh god please!"

"CLYDE!" Tolkien wraps his arms around Clyde and squeezes him tightly.

Clyde slowly stops flailing around. His breath is still shaky but now it's not dangerously fast.

"You're okay... you're safe, Clyde. I'm right here."

"Tolkien..." Clyde begins to cry. He hugs Tolkien back and cries into his shoulder. "Tolkien... I was so scared-"

"I know baby, I know. It's okay, I'm here now. No one is going to hurt you anymore..."

"Tolkien, are you okay?" Clyde pushes away to look at Tolkiens face. Scanning for injuries.

Tolkien holds onto both his hands. "I'm completely fine. You're not though. You've got a lot of bad cuts and bruises. You need to stay put and relax for a while."

"How bad is it..?"

" of them carved 'fag' into your back with a knife."


"Don't worry, I got a doctor to look at it and he says it won't leave a scar. It still needs time to heal though so no big physical activity until you're better. I'll take care of you until then."

"And after that... will you still want to be around me? After everything that I did..."

Tolkien looks away.


"Just focus on getting better, okay?"


"I'll go get you some water, and I'll let your friends know you're awake."


Tolkien walks out closing the door behind him.

Clyde rests his head back. "Damn it..."


"CLYDE!" Tweek jumps on Clyde and hugs him tightly. "You're okay!!! You're okay!!!"

Clyde smiles. "I am, could you be a little gentler? You're hurting me..."

"Oh! Sorry..." Tweek stands up. "We were so worried..."

Craig crosses his arms. "Well, Tweek was. I knew you'd be fine."

Tweek pouts. "You were drinking all week. You even cried last ni-"


Clyde laughs. "It's okay, Craig. I know you care about me just as much as Tweek. You big softie."

"If your boyfriend hadn't called us you might be dead right now. Seriously, you better thank him."

"I know... and he isn't my boyfriend."

"He sure acted like it. He was more worried than both of us combined. I'm honestly impressed he came up with such a good plan to save you in the state he was in."

"He was really worried?"

Tweek nods. "Yeah! It was almost scary to see him like that. He definitely loves you."

"No... not anymore... not after what happened."

Tyde - Friend for hireWhere stories live. Discover now