*Author's Note*

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Hello readers,
I would like to thank you all for reading, commenting and voting. It means a lot to have the support you have given me. Which is why I am sorry to say that this story is being shelved for the time being. I found that I was writing a cliché and the characters weren't thrilling enough. Sure the story is cute and would make a great rom-com but it's just not what I feel I need to be writing at this point in time. I am very sorry, and I know you were enjoying hearing about Ellie and Matt's life, but I can't be chained to them anymore.
I'm not saying that I will never write about them again, but I won't be continuing this version of them. I hope you all are understanding of this. I truly tried in the past months to write more chapters to post, I just simply didn't like the direction they were taking. It wasn't my usual style, it wasn't me.

I hate to leave you without something to read so here are a few stories I enjoy. Check them out.
"Family Comes First" by masonfitzzy is my favourite. It has the sick mix of horror and romance that is just addicting.
"Shades of Tea" by IamRecklessandBrave is this great quirky tale, and while the updates take some time they are always worth the wait.
Comatorium has some really interesting things as well. I never know what they are going to post. "In Memory of Jamie" is really moving and talks about serious issues.

Of course you can always check out my other works. I have a collection of poems and other creative works, a sort of real-life account of my own personal life and I am currently invested in my new fiction work "Hunting for Pocket Watches" which I update regularly. It's this simple story about the life of a simple boy.

Thank you all again for being wonderful readers, nearly a thousand of you have enjoyed my story and I am amazed. I will not be deleting this story, so no worries there. If I ever decide to revive this story I will post a notice here.

You are all wonderful people and I wish things could have turned out differently. I wish you all good health and I hope the future stories you read and create are full of wonderment.


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