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(*very large explosion* YOU READ THIS ITS IMPORTANT 🔥🔥 so this will not make sense at all cuz i was originally writing it in my notes app just to be silly cuz i got another fanfic idea and then i was like this shit bombing so i moved it to wattpad and now i quite like this soo yeah. basically tweek has been in south park like a week prior to him going to school, and its like November or some shit. they are aged up, like sixteen and tricia issss eleven cuz i said so and if you are a bit confuzzled just know that i said so and so dont be confuzzled)
(also tweek still drinks coffee but no no meth this time so he's not as crazy but still all twitchy)

I push open the doors to my new school having no clue what to do next. I don't know where my locker is and i've lost the map to this school so I won't be able to find anything. All I know is i've got English class and I have no clue where that is. I'm already late by twenty minutes and i'm extremely nervous. My head turns to the right where I look at the main office. It's way too embarrassing to go in there and ask for everything. I debated turning around and running home but my parent's would be mad they'd have to stop working because I ditched school.

After a painful trip to the office I had everything sorted out. I made my way to the locker where I put my backpack in there and kept a binder and hurried to English class. When I opened the door the teacher looked at me, probably annoyed I disrupted the class.

"Are you Tweek Tweak? I'll let your lateness slide, considering it's your first day. Go sit next to Craig. Craig, raise your hand," The teacher said. I looked to the crowd of students but nobody was making any attempt in signalling they were Craig.

"Oh jesus christ. Craig raise your fucking hand or it's another detention, this time after school."
Someone finally raised their hand.

I nervously walked towards them and sat down. I didn't really want to sit next to this Craig person, he seemed rude. He was wearing a blue chullo hat with a yellow pom pom on top. He had a hoodie in the same shade of blue and Black straight jeans on. He stared at me for a good minute before speaking.

"Why are you shaking like that?" His monotone voice spoke. It sounded like he had a stuffy nose or something, I wondered if it was natural.

"Wha-what? I-I don't know!" I said nervously, looking towards him. I was kind of shocked he asked a question like that.

"It's weird." He concluded. I looked away from him and to the teacher. My assumption was right, he was rude.

"Where'd you move from?" He asked.
"Michigan," I said simply.

"Your shirts not done up right," He tells me, as if I didn't already know.

"Your sweaters got a hole," I said, pointing to the little hole in his sleeve.
"Your hair is weird."
"Your hat is weird."

Craig waited a few moments before replying, "You're a strange person, you know that?"
"You're a rude person," I tell him and look away.

I decide to pay attention to the teacher and ignore his remarks about my twitching. When the bell rings I am quick to leave, thankful I don't have to listen to Craig anymore. I've been here an hour and someone already hates me! Oh god, it's just settling in now. What if everyone hates me? My mind is racing so much I don't even realize Craig is following me.

When I enter my next class, history, I sit at the very back by myself and hope nobody sits next to me.

"You're in my seat, spaz." I look up to see Craig standing over me. I don't argue, I just apologize and stand up. I gather my items with the intent of moving. When I look around me most of the desks are already filled with at least one person.

"You're welcome to sit next to me. I don't bite," I looked behind me and see Craig smirking at me. His eyes showed it was anything but genuine.

I headed to an empty seat at the front. I sit next to a boy with a green hat. What's with everyone and hats? Under his hat I see dark orange curls popping out. It's quite cool. He turns his head to look at me and I look forward.

"Hello. You're new, right? I'm Kyle." I look back at him and he's smiling. I was thankful he's nice.

"Hi, I-i'm Tweek," I tell him with a smile of my own.

"Tweek? That's cool." Kyle looked like he was about to say more but as soon as the bell rung he was quiet and focused.

I looked behind me to see Craig talking to a boy with brown hair and a red sweater. Why offer me a seat if someone's there? I think he knew i'd decline. I looked back at the teacher.

After a painful class about American history and a sidetrack to the teachers recent divorce, it was lunch. I've always hated lunch. Sure, it can be relieving and fun, but when you don't have any friends, it's horrible and awkward.
I make my way to the library. I always go to the library.

This is feeling identical to my old school. Do first classes, speak to no one. Lunch, sit alone at the library and try to ignore the kids laughing and whispering about me. Hold in tears. Do last classes and get home before anyone follows. Only difference here is i've spoken to people. I've never had anyone be rude to me though. First day here and i'm already certain to be a bully victim.

I take a book from a shelf and sit in a comfortable chair. I've already read Mrs Peregrines Home For Peculiar Children about a million times, but it's such an amazing book, I wouldn't mind reading it once more.

"Why're you in the library?" Asks a recognizable voice. I look up and Craig's staring at me with both hands in his hoodie pocket.

"What?" I respond. Craig rolls his eyes.
"This is lame. Don't you have anything better to do?" Why was Craig so bold with everything he said? He didn't have a single look of embarrassment or regret on his face. Then again, his face didn't hold any emotion.
I never answered him.

"Tweek is slang for meth," he says before sitting across from me.

"Why're you sitting here?" I had finally started to calm down my twitching, but of course he has to come alone and now i'm all anxious again.

"Because I can."
"I th-thought you said it's lame."
"It is, I was looking for my friends. You know what that word means?" He says as a joke, but it hurt anyways.

I look down at my book and hope he leaves. He stands up and walks away. I've already had the bad luck in having him in two of my classes, I hope he's not in the rest. I manage to go through Math and science and all the way home without seeing Craig.

When I get home I find my parents are gone. On my kitchen counter there's a note stating to heat up the pizza left in the fridge and they won't be back until nine. I eat three slices of pizza. I was hungry since I didn't eat anything else today. Then I downed a whole cup of coffee and went up to my room and somehow fell asleep until my alarm went off.

if you ever feel like i'm rushing this just know i know where you live so

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