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Tweek pov.

I open my door after hearing a knock to find Craig standing there. "Hey..?" I said, moving out of the way so he could come in. I saw him half an hour ago, and if he needed to tell me he could text.

"Hey, I didn't know where else to go," He tells me as he sits down on the floor and leans against my bed. He doesn't look at me.

"That's fine, but uh, what do you mean?" I ask, sitting next to him. "Just my dad," is all Craig responds with.

"What about him?" I ask. He looks up from his lap and stares at me for a bit. Then, without answering, he kisses me.

I pull away almost immediately. "Aren't you going to tell me about your dad?" I ask him.

"Would you rather me tell you, or kiss you?" He says.

"Can't I get both?" I wonder aloud. He shakes his head. "Then I think i'd rather you tell me." Craig sighs before sitting down properly.

"Okay. He said some shit and I wasn't going to sit there and listen to it so I left," Craig tells me.

I nod to what he says, ready to reply when he starts talking again. "No. I want to tell you, actually."
"Tell me what?" I ask.

"A few weeks ago I told my family I thought I was gay and my dad didn't like that so he kicked me out,"

I recalled what his dad said that day. 'you can't possibly tell me this is normal?!' Oh god.

"And then I came back and I just told him I wasn't gay anymore. He heard me talking with Clyde on the phone and I told him about me and you being official and my dad heard. Day after that he just decided he's supportive and today he just said a whole bunch of shit and like I said I wasn't going to sit there and listen to it." He didn't once look at me.

I didn't know what to say at all. I've kept wondering why he was kicked out, now I know it's just because he's gay.

"Oh.. That's awful, i'm so sorry. If you ever need somewhere to stay you can stay here," I tell him. He doesn't respond. "Are you going back today?"

"Yeah, I left my phone there. Just not at the moment. It alright if I stay here for a bit?" He says and looks to me.

"Of course. Do you need anything?" I ask, and he shakes his head no. He sits closer to me again, but this time he hugs me.

"You're cold," I say after his cold skin touches me. I hug him back nonetheless. "How long were you outside?"

"Thirty minutes," He responds. My eyes widen in shock, yet I don't move so Craig stays comfortable.

"What the hell? You could get hypothermia, man! What if you die?"

"I'm not going to die," He says, as if that made things any more reassuring.

"Do you want me to get you a sweater or a blanket?" I ask. He takes a moment to think before saying no.

I tilt Craigs head up and kiss him. After two seconds I pull away and smile. "Hah, I got both anyways."

"Fuck you," He says after taking a moment to try and figure out what I meant. He pushes me off him and I just laugh as he stands up.

"Awh, just one more!" I say, standing up too. "Never again. I also lied, so technically you didn't," He says, pushing my head away when I tried to kiss him.

"I don't think you did. Stop being pushy I was going to kiss you eventually!" I said, lightly slapping his arm.

He shrugs, but a moment later he pulls me into a kiss, only for it to get immediately interrupted by my dad walking in. Craig and I quickly separate and stand a foot away from each other.

"Door open w- oh," He says, looking back and forth from the two of us. "Keep it PG in here, boys," He tells us before walking away.

When he's gone, I begin to laugh. "That was so awkward," Craig says.

Craig spends twenty more minutes at my house before he mentions how he should get back to his house.

"Okay.. If things don't go well you can come back to my house," I responded. He nods and we both walk out of my room and down the stairs to the front door.

"See you tomorrow," He waves. I wave back. "Bye!"

I watch him walk to the sidewalk, covering his arms. I should've offered him a sweater or a coat. The walk wasn't far, but still.

Craig pov (!!!!!)

I stand in front of my house. I don't want to go in, but I have to. I twist open the door and find no one downstairs, and the only light source was a lamp. I kick off my shoes and turn off the lamp.

Walking upstairs, I notice there's a light on in my parent's room. I try as best as I can to quietly walk into my room. I hear a door opening, so I look behind me to see Tricia standing in her doorframe. She walks up to me and enters my room with me.

"What happened this time?" She asks after I shut my door.

"None of your business."
"Actually, it is my business. I'm your sister, plus you already told me all the other gay stuff."

"I think dad's bipolar or some shit," I tell her instead. She just stares at me. "He said I was acting different, and I told him yeah it's almost like you kicked me out, then he yelled at me and I left."

"I'm sure he didn't mean any of that. If he yells at you again just go into your room or something, stop running away."

"I'm not even listening to him anymore. If he hates me that much, whatever, fuck that, i'll be gone for good. Seriously."

"Don't say that. You can't leave forever just because of him. Like I said, he'll get over it."

I shrug. My sister ends up going back to her own room after I don't say anything more. I throw myself onto my bed. I wasn't serious. I don't think I could bring myself to leave forever.

Without even realizing, I drift off to sleep, silently hoping I wouldn't wake up so I could dream forever.

writers block is eating my brain

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