My Angel: Chapter 2:

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(Important! For the purposes of this story Edward did not go to the Volturi in New Moon)

Rays of early morning sunshine were streaming freely into the stark hospital room by the time her eyelids fluttered, marking her rise to consciousness. Over night her skin had regained its normal shade of creamy paleness - a vast improvement from her pallor the day before.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked, as I watched her stretch, like a contented cat after a long nap. Her face took on a faux pensive expression before she nodded in affirmation.

"Your discharge papers were delivered thirty minutes ago. Shall we remove ourselves from this horrific tribute to the color white?"

A full smile graced her face.

"I will wait for you just outside the door." With a small bow, I left her to dress.

During her regenerative respite, my mind dwelled on a few rather glaring facts. Among them, that I have no idea who this woman is, where she lives, or if she is now considered missing. But more important is her knowledge of vampires. With perfect recall I would never forget the sight of the bite resting atop her still beating pulse.

I must have answers. My hope is that she will consent to come with me today. My brother cannot wait to be introduced to such an oddity-the only silent mind he has ever encountered, and as for myself-I want to solve as many mysteries surrounding her as possible.

I turn to her and offer my arm as she exits her room. She really is a beautiful creature. Her hair is thick and shiny, with curls-just enough to give her tresses a sense of life as they bounce with each footstep. The result is a constant fluctuation between hues of dark golden brown and a more sultry reddish mahogany.

Her height is nothing to remark on, but despite her small stature, she possesses an air which tells the world, without words, that she is resilient, enduring.

Her form is neither voluptuous, nor overly thin. She is elegantly built. Her type has been an inspiration to artists throughout the centuries.

Even accustomed to vampire perfection, I can recognize the comeliness of her face with her expressive eyes of multifaceted-liquid brown, surrounded by a slight ring of green that would barely be discernible to mortal eyes. They held a quiet intelligence. Her eyes had seen horrors that are not meant to exist outside of nightmares, yet she had come to the aid of a true living nightmare. Would she have offered herself so freely if she had known who she was restoring to health?

"I was wondering, il mio angelo, would you be interested in meeting my brothers today? One of them brought you in for treatment while I was still unable to be in public, but he would love the chance to see you awake."

She raised her eyebrows, as if surprised by my suggestion.

"Me? Go with you?" She mouthed, pointing first to her chest and then in my direction. I decided to take her shrug as acceptance.

"Yes, I assure you will come to no harm." Her only response was to wave my comment off as if it was no consequence to her. We made our way to the heavily tinted luxury vehicle left for us by one of the guard. The drive through the city was short and as we pulled up to the gate of the castle, I noticed her eyes were wide - taking in all the details of the ancient building.

"Have my brothers meet us in my study." I ordered the guard at the door. He was gone before my companion could blink and she jumped slightly at the rapid departure, but then only smiled and shook her head.

She was obviously an admirer of art.

Several times she paused during our journey, a slight pressure on my arm the only communication needed to tell me that she would like to take a moment. We did have quite a collection adorning the halls, priceless paintings and sculptures alike.

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