My Angel: Chapter 7

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Bella POV

"That's right angel, I have you. You are safe." Caius croons, his soft even voice helps to chase away the remnants of my dream demons. Breathing deeply, I forcefully push away the sight of lifeless eyes, rivers of red and gleaming, savagely bared, teeth from my mind.

"Are you alright?" My immortal security blanket inquires quietly, close enough that I feel his bottom lightly drag against the outer shell of my ear as his mouth forms the words.

'Yes,' I signed, feeling irritated by the sudden reappearance of the worst of my nightmares. But how did Caius know? I don't see him as the type to sit around and watch me sleep. 'I'm sorry for disturbing you.' I continued, not sure how to ask about his appearance without sounding ungrateful.

"You are not a disturbance Isabella, but what was that? I felt your distress from the far side of the castle." As he spoke, he clutched a perfect pale hand to his still heart. "Does it happen often?" He pressed, insistently eager to know the source of my distress. My sleep addled brain reeled, trying to understand how he could have possibly 'felt' that I was upset. I suppose that will be a question for another time.

I sigh heavily and pull myself into a sitting position, regretfully dislodging myself from his arms in the process. This nightmare is nothing more or less than the remainder of my history, which I have been working toward sharing with my new acquaintances - my new family, as it turns out.

'It's time to finish my story.' I told Caius, who was eyeing me questioningly. 'Explaining my dream would, in essence, be telling you my past, so I suppose it would be better to go ahead and get the whole story out. I just can't do it lying down.' I explained with a forced smile. Once again I realize how glad I am that he took it upon himself to learn sign language. I can't imagine trying to get the upcoming horror down on paper. While settling myself against the headboard, from the corner of my eye I catch a flicker of movement by the door.

Turning my head to fully face the open doorway, intense golden eyes shock my system for the second time in less than 24 hours. This time however, I can still feel the warming blanket of calm they delivered. These golden eyes were not currently instigating my pain, but working to free me from it. In fact, I find that I'm ridiculously grateful for the emotional hijacking Jasper performed just minutes ago. Between Caius' presence and Jasper's gift, they quickly and efficiently broke the stranglehold of terror suffocating me. 'Thank you.' I signed to the vampire in the hallway.

"She says..." Caius had just begun, when Jasper broke in.

"I know." He said, a crooked smile pulling up one corner of his mouth. He lightly double-tapped his chest, and I understood. Jasper felt my thanks.

The mattress shifted slightly as Caius stood, his bright blonde head cocked curiously to one side. He made his way to the door and peered out into the corridor, first to the left, then the right. He then returned to me, with bemusement painting his features, and I found I could not resist seeing for myself, just what had caused this reaction.

So great was the surprise awaiting my curious gaze, that upon its discovery, goosebumps immediately flashed across my skin. They enveloped me completely - even raising the baby-fine hairs at the base of my head - as my eyes drank in the awesome sight, of what I am almost positive is the entire Volturi guard. This multitude of vampires neither moved nor spoke, as they stood lining the passageways in sentient marble. Burning curiosity arose in me. What could possibly have happened to call them all here, to the corridor outside my room?

"They are all genuinely concerned for you Bella." Jasper whispers, from the position he holds, seated on the floor.

I looked on amazedly at the legion of stoic figures garbed in hues of black and grey, trying desperately to keep my jaw properly hinged. Suffering as I am still from a hazy state of semi-consciousness, I am finding it extremely touching that they have assembled themselves here, due to nothing more than my battle with a night-terror, no matter how real it may be in my mind. It almost brings tears to my eyes, having such a level of caring right at my fingertips - there for the taking. Not knowing any other measurable way to express my gratitude for such thoughtfulness at the moment, I motioned with both hands for the group to come inside before I turned to reclaim my previously vacated position on the bed. If these vampires are all to be part of my everyday life and, they deserve to be included.

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