My Angel: Chapter 9

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The two newcomers crossed through a narrow opening in one of the many low decorative hedges defining the garden's pathways. Opposites in almost every way, they did not at first glance seem particularly suited for one another. The male was tall, with a tight cropping of dark curly hair and an excessively brawny frame. The happy, albeit absent look on his face made it abundantly clear that his brain was not amongst the muscles this vampire often exercised. He was also not bothered in the slightest by the murderous glare I had trained upon him. Following a half step behind came a svelte female, her lover's contrast in almost every discernible way. She possessed long luminous blond locks, a haughty demeanor, and her handsome features loudly telegraphed disdain for her current task. She appeared most thoroughly underwhelmed at seeing Isabella while her partner, puppyish to the extreme, bounced energetically along, practically vibrating with excitement. How disgusting. Beside me, Isabella's tension was palpable, humming in the air between us, seeping into my arms - nestled as they were about her waist - though her face showed no great change of emotion.

Having expected them to adhere to at least the most basic of social niceties by making civilized introductions, I was woefully and inexcusably unprepared when the oaf charged right up, rudely invading our personal space. It can only be assumed that the fool is either deaf or preposterously ignorant, for neither the blatant warning rumbling within my chest, nor the sudden and visibly rigid stance adopted by Isabella influenced the way he chose to address her.

"Hey there Bellsy! Lookin' good! We've sure missed you girl!" The oaf leaned forward, sharing what he must have believed to be a conspiratorial wink. "I couldn't believe it when I heard you're shacking up with the Volturi these days! When you rub elbows with the supernatural you really go all the way don't ya girl? You're turning into a regular vampire fangirl!" He ended, waggling his eyebrows.

I barely registered the look of shock on the blonde female's face or the sharply indrawn breath beside me before I snapped. In that one instant it was all just too much. He was too close, insulting my mate - my silent angel bearing a permanent and daily reminder of pain and suffering due to nothing more than the alarming stupidity and negligence of this family. The very family I am unable to send to their final death because it will displease the one who matters above all.

His over-large body gave him no leverage against my speed and experience. Before he even registered the threat, he was on the ground. I locked his arms tight behind his back and crouched down. As he began to struggle I grabbed his chin with my right hand and stretched his grimacing face toward the sky until the building pressure caused tension cracks to begin forming along his thick neck. I was soaking in the thrill of my victory when suddenly Isabella rushed into view. Her face, so close to mine, was ashen, filled with desperate tears as she shook her head, silently begging me to release my quarry. My vision tunneled onto her face as emotions warred within me. I was disturbed yes, by the thought of causing her pain - but she cannot expect me to accept such behavior, can she? Why, if not for her, he would already be a pile of ash for daring to speak so to someone in her station, and to see such censure on her face when my actions were meant solely for her benefit and protection was impossible to accept. I tried desperately to ignore my gut reaction to lash out, but clouding my rational mind was the cloying and sickly fog of betrayal. Her twisted expression telegraphed clearly just how much she detested my actions. The shimmering tears sparkling and dripping from her lovely brown eyes are shed not for me. No, her tears spill for the vampire beneath me, the one who's first words to her in years carried insult to her character. I've been a fool to believe that she so easily understood me. I would be willing to give her anything and everything. I would burn the world to the ground if she asked me, but she will not do the same for me. I see now that no matter the depth of my bond to her, she is either incapable or chooses not to reciprocate. Fear and hurt resulting from my grave introspection tempered my words.

𝕄𝕪 𝔸𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕝// 𝔹𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕒 𝕊𝕨𝕒𝕟 𝕩 ℂ𝕒𝕦𝕚𝕤 𝕍𝕠𝕝𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕚Where stories live. Discover now