My Angel: Chapter 18

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3rd Person POV

Bella looked at Peter waiting for an answer to her statement.

"I can't tell you. At least not now. But don't worry. Your mate will come for you soon and I'll help him get to you." Peter said as Bella nodded with a sad look

"Come on. Let's get you something to eat. Don't worry. We won't hurt innocents." Peter said as led Bella to a human, opening his mind and deciding to show what was happening so Alice would see it in a vision.

He just hoped it worked.

Alice's POV

Me and my family were gathered in the throne room with the kings and the guard. They had just killed their human receptionist for telling an enemy vampire where Bella was.

Everyone looked worried while Caius just looked heartbroken at the death of Bella.

I stood by Jasper in grief over the girl I saw as a sister before I gasped as a Vision came to me.

3rd Person POV

Everyone watched as Alice went into a vision, a look of horror covering her face.

Aro sped forward touching her hand lightly to see what she was seeing and gasped and pulled away, not bearing to see any more.

"What is it Aro?" Marcus asked as Aro turned to his brothers, focusing on Caius.

"Bella..." Aro said as Caius sat up at the name of his mate

"She's alive. She was turned immediately after she was taken and has just woken into immortality." Aro said as Venom gathered in everyone's eyes at the revelation Bella was alive.

"Truly? My Angel is alive?" Caius asked as Marcus and Aro stepped to him.

"Indeed my brother. She is alive. And waiting for you to save her." Aro said as Caius felt his chest lighten at the news his mate was alive.

The happiness was soon overcome by anger as he let out a vicious growl, scaring everyone into stepping back, as he grabbed the top of his throne and threw it into the wall with his vampire strength

"WHO HAS MY MATE?!" Caius roared as Aro took a deep breath before approaching his brother.

"I know exactly who my brother, but you must calm down before I tell you. Do this for Bella." Aro said as Caius took deep breaths before nodding to his brother

"Well dear Alice. Inform your family of what you saw. Since it involves your mate." Aro said with a sneer as everyone turned to her

"I saw Peter. Jasper's friend from the southern wars. He allowed me into his thoughts. Apparently there is a vampire planning to attack the castle. A vampire named Asthro." Alice said as the kings nodded in knowing.

Asthro was an old vampire they had met and wanted to join them as rulers. The brother voiced their reasons as they declined him.

"Seems he still wants to be ruler." Aro and his brothers thought as they thought back to their time with the vampire

"He created a type of army. He kidnapped at least a hundred women and had his vampires impregnate them. By doing so they will have half human half vampire babies that will grow rapidly and be raised as killers in their short growth. They will be born in a week and Asthro will attack the castle the next few weeks after their training." Alice said as everyone growled loudly, silencing when Aro raised his hand.

"I see. But why did they take Isabella?" Aro asked as Caius growled lowly at the abduction of his mate

"Peter's gift told him they'd be taking Bella and he knew he couldn't stop them in time so he pretended to join them and turned her so she'd love and Caius would find her. He did however do something so they wouldn't kill her whether she was vampire or human." Alice said as she swallowed nervously

"And what is that?" Caius asked sneering at the pixie as Alice took a deep breath

"They have to pretend to be lovers." Alice said before a loud roar echoed through the room

Caius threw the throne chairs and destroyed parts of the walls as his brothers tried to calm him.

"They're not doing anything!" Alice yelled as Caius stopped

"What do you mean?" Caius asked, still growling

"They're pretending to be lovers but Bella won't lay a hand on him. She won't even hold his hand. She refuses to have any male touch her right now but you." Alice said as Caius calmed slightly, happy that the southern vampire was not touching his mate.

"Then what are we waiting for?! Let us get my mate!" Caius yelled as Aro placed a hand on his brothers arm

"Calm brother, we must create a plane. Alice, you say the children will be born in a week? Will the mothers survive?" Aro asked as Alice shook her head no in sadness, Aro nodding in understanding

"Very well. We will separate into teams. Our higher guard will lead the newborns and Asthro outside where we will fight while the lower guards dispose of the bodies." Aro said as everyone nodded.

"How long will it take to get there?"

This question came from Jane who was worried about her friend.

"About two weeks my dear." Aro said as Jane frowned

"Then let us hurry! I will not wait any longer for my mate!" Caius growled as ran to get items for the trip and necessities for his mate.

"Let us all gather what we need." Aro said as each vampire sped off to require what they needed, ready to bring back Isabella.

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